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Download the updated game here

Passcode $1 Tier: (NSFW)

Passcode $3 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Information about the game:


Re-imagined Gameplay:
The gameplay has made a huge drastic change. It will be a very long list.
So instead, it's better to play it and see it for yourself!

Fanart Cards:
Featuring 10+ fan-made artworks of various shows/games, as suggested by my fans! They're used as either weapons or upgrades. Try to collect them all!


  • Level progress from 2.0 won't transfer to 3.0.
    (Character Designs are not affected and will still transfer)
  • The level for all maps now limits to 20.

Thank you everyone for your patience and support!
If you find any bugs, feel free to share them in the comments section!


Nude Byte (Version 3)

Play the game here: manyakisgames.gamejolt.io/nudebyte Music: https://youtu.be/myB-LYvE7Ro?t=263 https://airyluvs.com



Oh my gosh I'm so excited for this!


Are updates automatically applied or do we need to redownload via the new link


Unfortunately, it's required to redownload the game from the link provided above.


Just started playing this tonight. I imagine you have lots of fun new features planned for the future, but lemme just say--what you have here is a lot of fun! The lewd passwords add a lot of character to this game, especially with how Firewalls are breached, but otherwise this game is a BLAST. It's addicting, I look forward to spending time getting all the cards in all the levels, and the cards swapping out every hour is a fun incentive to a) get cards of your own and b) try different weapon loadouts while c) preserving challenge (so you can't just blow through the game if you get a really good loadout). Will new animations be added in the future? Likewise, will there be a gallery? Thanks for this great new game, it's SUCH a blast! I never thought a sexy squad-shooter with Splatoon mechanics (I love how colors affect your ammo and speed) would be so fun!


The concept is very well innovated and there's lewds innit I love you Manyakis


Gamepad support! Thank you sooo much! Due to an injury, I can only use controllers now so this rocks! :D


Thank you for the kind words. Adding more lewd animations depends on whether it's applicable with the gameplay, so we can't tell for now.


I'm sorry about your injury. I'm glad the gamepad support worked well!


I've played the game and I definitely enjoyed it. I can see the potential of how this game will go, with new enemies, cards, and the upcoming Hub. But I do have a few suggestions for some minor quality-of-life changes. The rotating cards that function as weapons are great, but I have found difficulty in keeping track on what they are. Rather than having to remember if one character is a sniper or a shotgun, why not have some sort of emblem that appears in the corner of the card that resembles the weapon type? The same emblem could also appear underneath your health/energy on the HUD. I was also thinking of having the player wielding a weapon with the card acting as a clip which could help gameplay-wise but could detract from the cyberworld aesthetic, not to mention time consuming to implement. The amount of "painting" that the weapons make feel somewhat underwhelming. Perhaps increasing this splash effect or making it a weapon stat could help. It makes sense for a sniper to not make much paint but having shotguns create large patches of color with each blast I think would be satisfying both gameplay-wise and visual-wise. Thank you so much for creating a game with such great style and entertainment. Feels like a cross between Splatoon and Mega Man Battle Network, two of my favorite game series and the fusion that you made is even better!


Thank you for the suggestions! But I can't make promises to whether I can implement these for various reasons. I'll take note, but I still have to look into them first if they're possible.