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For the sake of documentation and to give myself a hard reminder to switch softwares ASAP, I would like to share an error that I had happening back in 2020 as well as I worked on Demonic Mirror where I've lost several hours of workload too. I think this is also interesting for the few SFM artists in here that are supporting me as well.

I do not know why this error happens and no one else on the internet seems to know either.. I'm glad the auto-save function prevented more progress being lost.

The issues I have with SFM are manyfold - Aside from the random crashes, the technical limitations, the amount of work that has to be put into in order to make things look passable and now the constant fear that project files may get corrupted? That's a big oof for me.

I was considering if DM2 should be made with SFM as well and with that error happening I conclude: Probably not. 




Are you looking to switch to blender?

Markus Silva

Dang that sucks. Damn error doing what it wants 😡


Such bullshit smh




Just yesterday ,a problem occured that one fo my models flexed stopped working ...like at all. Luckily the proejct with is done completely and Im save -_- .


P.S.: The same prolem did happen to me with my last project last month but it was no drama because I splitted the scene in 3 project files (5min complete movie). My guess is ,it has to do with the ram limit but not sure.


its a sign.... its blender time!!! but seriously that sucks, real unfortunate, sorry to hear, frustrating for all of us sigh nonetheless thanks for your hard work!