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Yo Everyone! I'm back from a week occasion in Manila! Due of enormous duties during the visit, i was going to fix and sending all patrons for the Spark Monthly Reward within 18 hrs. 

and in Addition, I will release a NEW PREMIUM TIER for all Team Instinct Fans that support my patreon: The Limited Edition Spark Special Pack with a new feature list;

  • ~Ongoing Montly CG Sequence during the latest normal monthly rewards 
  • ~Complete Gallery Access with an updating arts from Facebook and Tumblr
  • ~Includes an Additional of a new Single Spark CG Sets!
  • ~Livestream (If its available) 

This limited editon tier will open this September 9 until December 2016 for the new and old patrons for only 70$! 

Have a Great Day! //big dab 




I love team instinct so much you make spark so mouthwatering thank you


Considering I have yet to get anything off your 25$ tier I am suspicious :P


I didnt do. I was still fixing the new folder for the update. Sorry for your patience.


How much of Spark's boots will I see in this exclusive content? Dat wat I need to know uwu


Would love to potentially see some growing spark actually getting bigger!


Let's say that I decide to pledge by October, would the art in September still be available to be viewed?


Yes, this is a limited edition tier and to the update each one of latest spark set until december. ;)