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Late at night posting a sketch batch! That's the way of the artist.

A very fun one with lots of grabbing, I hope you like it~!

- Callie (vtuber) and Leon (RE4) ???¿¿¿ Leon is eating a fish? with.. her? yes
- Blinx the Cat but genderbent
- Dang (OC) basking in her riches
- Kaz (my OC) showing off one of Nami's (One Piece) cute outfits
- Amora (my OC) uh meeting an individual who doesn't respect private space
- Aria and Kaz (my OC) enjoying some fun quality time together




I love how resigned to Kaz's antics Aria is


Aria's all like "I wish she'd stop grabbing my boob. But I know she won't." Dang hit paydirt. Again. Adventurer goals. Dude groping Amora is about to get his balls exploded by her knee. The expression on Leon's face is so awesome


Perfection! The Aria and Kaz one came out great lol

Death of Ink

Kaz sure gets "friendly" when she's a had a drink or two in her. "K-Kaz! N-not in public!!"


Here's your bat Amora. Let 'em have it. T_T


Me encantan <3