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Ha! So, I should have seen it coming, Aria is always popular and of course an idea like this would win the previous poll~ Hmm maybe next time I'll make it a reverse-poll to make it more interesting haaa!

So here's a little something fun, Aria is very glad to be the one to clean your phone screen, so she's happy to do that for you~ Hope you like it~

Also curious thing this reminded me of a very old commission I did of her in a very similar fashion, this was years ago, so I thought it'd be fun to do a quick comparison, mmhm~

So anyway, this is probably my last colored pic of the year, so, thanks a lot guys for supporting me another year, it's been busy, crazy, full of sketches, fanservice and interesting characters, and I'm happy to continue to be doing this, and Patreon and your support is what keeps me going like this.

So thanks a lot once again for continuing to be here, and I'm looking forward to next year~ Happy holidays and stay safe! 




Happy holidays to you and your family. It’s always a pleasure being here and supporting your work. Even if...degeneracy prevails


The degeneracy is strong, I'd assume you were used to it after all this time~!


Man, you're going to have on BUSY 2023 I bet. Hang in there man lol


Love it, you are the best!

Death of Ink

Yes! Clean my phone screen! You want to get your doughnuts, don't you?


Ah finally! Aria will be able to clean through my phone and have a great time with all the Freon drawings I have ready for her ~💛


¿Dónde está el botón para desbloquear a la Aria topless? jajaja me encantaaa <3