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So, considering Kaz's succesfull poll last month, now it's time for Amora to step forward and comply to the suggestions of you guys here~ ♥

The angsty goth gal needs a little more attention, too, I'm sure she'll appreciate it! Right..?

For this I have a variety of fun and interesting ideas, thanks for that !

Like last time, I pretty much summarized some of the ideas into phrases, so, this is again very open and experimental ♥ Who knows, once again, if the top voted ones are compatible I can even end up combining them or so!

You can vote for all the choices you like!
Poll will end on Sept. 24th! 



Cyberpunk edgerunners: Lucy


2 and 4 squad, report in.


Cyberpunk Cyberpunk Cyberpunk


Lets go! Lost Swimsuit FTW!


Waitress and a couple others caught my eye, but the moment I saw 10, I knew who the standout would be.