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Continuing on where I left off ! I feel this "meeting" has been taking forever hehehe but still, working steadily, the comic advances.

While Nicholas, Paski and the gang are just having fun, they seem to forget about Aria for a second? Psshh that's just mean. At least Pebble goes to check on her, just to... see she hasn't been kidnapped. Of course.

And after a very awkward and stuttery introduction, Nicholas can say he's made a new friend. Ahh they grow so fast~

To be continued~!


Ch6 - 1https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-1-63603511
Ch6 - 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-2-63637230
Ch6 3-4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-3-4-64019401
Ch6 5-6 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-5-6-64147464
Ch6 7-8 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-7-8-64397052
Ch6 9-10 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-9-10-64686306
Ch6 11-12 https://www.patreon.com/posts/ch6-11-12-64926162
Ch6 13-14 https://www.patreon.com/posts/amissio-ch6-13-64939351

Remember you can read pretty much all of the comic up to chapter 5 on tapas

And or, the last chapter has all the pages linked here too



Death of Ink

Aria's face in panel 4 makes me think that she's annoyed he's interrupting her brooding, that's one of her favorite things to do. She's kinda dramatic that way.


"hasn't been kidnapped yet" 5 mineuts lateur also holy damn that 2nd page is cute as fuck


Aww come on Aria. Join in the fun! Paski's a real sweet pea. A shy, socially awkward sweet pea. Just like you. ^^


Open your eyes Nicholas, she's clearly thirsty, and you're a tall glass, metaphorically speaking


Paski so cute


Haha, such a sweet chapter. Aria no doubt has a lot on her mind, but hopefully she'll join the fun soon!


Poor Aria just needs more time. Girl's been through some shit.