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Hey friends!
Okay I'm really embarrassed for not working on this comic project in a long time already, I've been really eager to come back and I'm really going to focus this time, lots of things have happened over time and, well, I was writing this, too of course, which takes time.

So, I intend to come back to Amissio and start updating with pages semi-regularly! As I showed you a while back, I already have a draft of a lot of pages ready to be polished, and this is the very first one. I feel out of shape, haha.

We'll be seeing more of Paski in this chapter, I hope you like it, and, thanks again for supporting me, since this comic project was one of the very reasons I started a Patreon account. Thanks again~!

Remember you can read pretty much all of the comic up to here on tapas

And or, the last chapter has all the pages linked here too:




Yeeeesssss. I am hyped. Especually about seeing this cozy Paski! 🥳