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So February is over and March came way too fast, but along with it, more fun sketches!
So few, you ask? Well I tend to work based on characters, so it's 6 characters, like I've been doing recently of course, haha.
Lots of fun ideas here and I love it when I'm able to draw fun scenes with my OCs, thanks a lot to you guys who request ideas with them, it's very flattering!
They are:
- Kaz and Aria (my OCs) as succubi in a very friendly... size competition (!?)
- Paski and Noz (my OCs) after turning big (?!) and just there's not enough room for them~
- Maribel (Encanto)
- And Aria (my OC) struggling again cause her bra just doesn't fit anymore, oh no

Hope you like! ♥




Bruh im so downbad for aria

Death of Ink

Kaz just loves an excuse to press her breasts against Aria's in these sketches it seems.


I see Kaz convinced Aria to have an exclusive sponsoreon duet photoshoot. Nice

Nick R. Kupila

That first one is so cute.