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Hey friends! Sorry I've been slow but here's another little batch of fun sketches requested/commissioned by you~
Hope you like them! Thanks again! More to come soon!

- no-faced angel OC (sorry I didn't get their name!)
- Asuka (OC) plague doctor outfit~
- Suzanne (OC)
- Rey (OC) slick hairstyle and a fancy suit~
- Roll (Mega Man) wearing a school uniform~
- Kaz (my OC) as a scientist playing around with a new creation~

Thanks a lot for the ideas~!
Zip file attached!




Handsome Rey and Mad Scientist Kaz FTW!😁


Suzanne and Kaz look fantastic here. And Roll is adorable.

Scarlett Sheep

There she is! My baby being fierce!!!!

Death of Ink

Kaz is going to unleash that creation on Aria and take some photos to get some sweet likes and subscribes.