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Kaz finds herself just playing around with her special phone camera, and suddenly finds out about a sudden new fan of hers she hadn't seen before,... this one seems to be a very big fan of hers!
Ahh how to deal with all this attention, maybe she should ask Aria for advice on how to handle these kinds of fanboys.

I hope you like it!
I hadn't updated in a while due to the class content putting everything on hold, I'm actually using this one as a sample for the class lessons, so look forward to that one if you're taking them!

Still unsure if the next update is going to be next week, I'm still going to continue with NF of course once things have calmed down ♥ Thank you for your support!



Death of Ink

"maybe she should ask Aria for advice".....who?


Smart time-saver move, using your other stuff for your class too. Great work, btw


Wow! 0_o I knew Kaz's fans were freaks but this is ridiculous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRs0OqV4uSc


Another predicament, eh?