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Hey friends!
This actually is something I did a while back but tweaked it a little now just for  you~
Aria's photo session, powered by Kaz, inc,. Of course, her power of conviction is always so strong and poor Aria just can't help it but to comply~

I've been a bit slow with art lately, but I'll come back to more soon ♥ thanks for your support these days specially!




Nice! 👍Very sexy pose and getup she's got there. ^^ Poor girl doesn't look too thrilled about it tho. 🙁 It's okay sweetie. You look beautiful and sexy. ^^ Great work as per usual, Paro. And don't worry about being slow with the art. We know you're working hard on other stuff too. Keep up the good work. 👍 And Godspeed. ^^


This is nice, but I'd be happy to see more cozy Aria, more happy Aria?


Finally, some good fu**ng food

Death of Ink

When Kaz wants some good Aria photos, the poor black-haired beauty just can't say no.

Tom Brousseaux

I'll take two 8x10 glossy and 5 wallet size prints lol


She looks amazing~ Hopefully she's well compensated after the photo shoot. XD


I feel a png of the photo filter could look great if added to a bunch of her art.


I require more Aria photo shoots 👁👁 AND obviously take all the time u need!!


*battery dies* *Aria lets out a sigh of relief* *Kaz just pulls out a 2nd camera* Kaz: "Ok, Aria. We're into the speed round so off with the shirt."


eeeeeey, my headcanon is canon! once they start dating, my victory will be complete