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Okay so first of all, this is a very experimental poll that I wanted to try for fun.

I asked you guys to name some features, ideas and concepts to consider and I'll use them to come up with a new character~!
So in this case I won't consider a "single" most voted option, but something like the 3 to 5 most voted features, depending on what they are.

So vote for all options that you like!

This of course, considering that some of them contradict each other or don't mix well (like succubus + cat girl).

So of course the final call will be up to my own judgement, I'll try my best to see what comes from here! Who knows, maybe something promising...! or utter chaotic failure. Haha.

Poll will last until (late) 24th!
Thanks again for your votes!


Hazel Morgenstern

I see big booba might come out on top 👀


Polls been out for 9 minutes and people have already flocked towards booba


Glasses on top let's go!


Mika cries. Amora cries. Kaz prepares to defend her crown.


Not enough votes for bisexual trans. Fucking cowards.


Alright I dropped my votes :<


A dark-skinned punk-rock tomboy with glasses, sharp teeth, and large breasts that happens to be a succubus


If you end up doing this sort of thing again, you could always do it where you vote for things like hair color, body type, etc in separate votes, that way they can't be contradictory. And then a final vote for character traits like athletic or punk, and pick the top few from there.


Punk girl supremacy


We're creating a monster


I would down vote this comment if I could. T_T (JK) Enough of the huge knockers. Let little and medium boobs have their day!