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So! It's time to prepare for the next poll this month!
And, after discussing things with you guys, it sounds like this could be a fun one.

Original Character Poll !

BUT! There's a catch.

🚫 You cannot suggest your own OC. 🚫

(Oh also just to be fair, my own OCs won't count for this one either, but I'll do something with them another time! Thanks if you were considering it!)

So I'll leave it at that. Please include links/references for your suggestion!

Otherwise your suggestion will be at the mercy of a quick google search result.⚠

Poll will be up on June 20th! ♥
One suggestion per person!
Thanks again!



Deibd's OC, Bleu https://twitter.com/deibdd/status/1403003218280337408


Hancip OC https://twitter.com/richter_h_/status/1388332402070605824