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Wooo, more sketches! 2 out of 3 for this month, heheh. Thanks for the patience!
Some very fun ones as usual, thanks for your ideas and for your support ♥
These are~

- Lopunny (pokemon) or more like Cynthia? turned into one~
- Mudrock (Arknights)
- Kaz (my OC) again stealing other people's outfits leaving them naked, this time Venus' (Hozen's OC) armor~!
- Aria sporting a cute emo outfit, shorts all of sudden?
- Yatzin (OC)
- Asuka (OC) in casual wear~
- Yoga girl OC stretching some~
- Tifa (FF7R) wearing her pretty dress while captured oh no~♪

Hope you like them! ♥




Holy shit who ordered the mudrock thankyou thankyou thankyou! She was on my list. Also, that Kaz is excellent. The Aria is good too and the anon OCs are good. good sketch pack!