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Nintendo sixty fooour! Hope you got your nintendos this xmas guys, happy almost new year (maybe already new years in some places!)

Last batch of the year with some goodies, WIPs, sketches of works you've seen and, as an early new years resolution I want to practice more, so here's a couple exercise sketches I've saved from two quick sessions!
I forget how necessary that is, the anatomy doodles are 3-minute doodles each following photo references, and the colored Mason and Mika are about 45 minutes each (10 for polishing the shape, and 30 for adding some color)
I want to improve my speed a lot so I can produce more aaAaGH

Anyway, hope you like it !♥



Death of Ink

Kaz and Aria with mistletoe? I'm intrigued.


I never noticed how much I needed Mika in a japanese schoolgirl uniform