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Oops sorry for the ugly preview image!

Like I said before, this for now should serve as a sample post, it's one of the first times I've actually recorded a video of me working, so I know nothing about video editing (I'm gonna work on that), and the file is huge, 500mb for 1 hour and 40 minutes. If you manage to download it, hope you like it! I'm sorry if it's not that interesting for now! But feel free to suggest me ideas, things to do or try, etc!

Next time I'm gonna make a sped-up video so it's not as huge, and perhaps a voiced-over one too!

PD. ALSO, I'm sorry if there are a few seconds here and there where I'm just checking other windows (or facebook lol), I didn't think it would actually record that, lmao. ?



Video Austin Commission - copia.mp4

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