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This months content -

So, there is still some missing content, but the month ends tomorrow. So for those of you who might not pledge next month, dont worry, I will make sure you all get this months content as promised.

This unfortunately means those of you who will keep pledging, will get at least 3 double posts in your emails, but there shouldnt be any other downsides. Basically, I will private message all of mays patrons with the remaining Lawless arena angles (in 1 post) and I once this months giveaway image and animation is done, ill message those too. 

10 dollar patron update - 

So im going to steal an idea from rexx, which I really love. There will rpobably be a few changes, but the idea im stealing is basically that patrons have a chance to get their character in a premade animation. Forex, if you have a human female character, said human female can swap places with tess greymane in the latest dirty trade animation with her.  Im going to limit this one a bit though, and so I will only render 1 angle, and I will choose what angle. 

There will be some limitations,

1 character per person max every month. I can only feature so and so many characters every month so there will be a limitation. However, Every animation from feb/march + this year, can have a character swapped. (- worgen/pandaren characters, as these are much harder to deal with right now. I will set up a system to be able to swap these in the future, but for now I dont have the time, sorry!) So you can forex in june, request your character inside an animation from march etc. The last limitation for now is also that unless youve won a previous animation or picture giveaway, I cant create you a custom character for a character swap like this, as I cant spend long on these character swaps as of now. 

The most important limitation, is that this is for 10 dollar patrons only, and I will not put your character into a giveaway animation, nor a giveaway picture. These character swaps are only for dirty trade, bar brawl, one-nighter and lawless arena animatons. 

Barbrawl updates - 

As for the barbrawl updates I wanted to implement, im not fully sure yet wether I will be able to implement them during june as of yet, but if not, they will be implemented in July. 



I stopped because of the recent spike of beast. I'm not into that.


I'm a little confused. I'm a ten dollar patron, but I haven't won anything previously or commissioned you, so obviously you haven't created my character yet. What is it I can actually win if you won't create her for this?


basically all the default ingame looks but a tiny bit updated (Also put onto my custom model with tits and a vagina etc.). If your character is a tiny bit customized I will ofc consider creating the customized elements too, but the heavy customizing will be left to the monthly giveaway winners. (like tattoos, really customized piercings or hairstyles and makeup etc.) Hope that answers your question! : D


Sounds like a good idea (by Rexx) :P ^~^