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Inks of animation took a long time, but they are almost done!

Now to vote what's next. Other than the obvious phase of flat coloring the animation (which is gonna take another long time... It's around 90 frames total. <<;), I'd like to also give the option to color either last sketch of Jenna having fun with earth, or to ink & color this older artwork featuring Cerberus the triple demon from Helltaker: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/878662123381747743/991657554801332294/Cerberus.jpg

Lots of coloring this time. But hey, at some point sketches pile up and one gotta finish stuff. So what would it be? owo

On a side note: I decided to take the picture of Michiru and work on it as a side project once in a while until it's done. Hence why it's removed from the polls. We are getting it regardless. ovo;


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