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Alright, this update features a bunch of branching paths for the Keera/Barberry fight and a potentially big decision within it. The no light portion still has to get written for Tuesday's update, but there's quite a bit in here for tonight's, so I hope it was worth the wait.

.070e UPDATE ONLY (See Installation Instructions below if you're new/need help)


Step 1) Download the .064 ALL FILES pack from this link: patreon.com/posts/public-release-9-41606455

Step 2) Unzip this pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.   

Step 3) Download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.  

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and an Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '071'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.   

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



Thanks, I appreciate it. That's why some of these take longer to write than others lol.


seeing Barberry put in her place by Keera was nice


Just to let everyone know, today's update is still coming out today, it's just going to be a lot later than the usual time. I'm still working on it right now though. EDIT: I'm still working on it, no ETA but I'm not going to sleep until it's done. It'll almost definitely be some time in the morning of the 11th by the time it's finished. EDIT2: Next update should be up in about two more hours.