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Hey everyone!

I'm wrapping up the animation process on the CJ animation, but since I may be unable to finish animation+cleanup today and because today is the last day of the month (and thus some people may decide to stop their pledges) I've decided to make this little preview so you guys have one more animation to check out this month

Aside from that, the folks from Patreon asked me to give you guys a heads up about some sales tax that will start being applied to a small percentage of the pledges starting next month. It's no big change or anything from what's been told to us so far, the taxes vary by the country/state you live in, as well as the specific benefits each of my tiers offers, and Patreon told me that it should affect less than half of you guys (adding around 4% to 11% tax, which should be a couple o cents on average)

Patreon has actually given me a couple of weeks to get everything in place for this change, so I've made sure you guys wouldn't be taxed incorrectly. Although if you have more questions they have provided a helpful article that can explain everything in much more detail than I can

Anyway, that'll be all for now.

Thank you so much for your support so far! I'll be completing and posting the CJ animation early this week (I wanna say by tomorrow, but give me an extra day or two just in case)

Seeya next time! ❤️




Idk if it helps but I got charged already and I don’t see a difference at all, at least PayPal invoice doesn’t show any increment