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보너스 캐릭터 추가가 일정이 얼만큼 늘어나는지 경험이 없어서 실수를 했습니다
ㅠㅠ 정말 죄송합니다  
그럼에도 응원해주시고 기다려주셔서 너무 감사합니다 더 노력하겠습니다!!

3월 보상 안내! [ March  Reward Guide! ]

Milkychu Patreon Reward 2020. 03
Gumroad Link : https://gum.co/osxzW
Discount Code : ql0yn6z

How to Use Gumroad : imgur.com/vGiMq8k 

그림에 검로드 이용하는 방법이 있습니다. 성공적으로 다운받으시길! 
There is a way to use the GUMLOAD in the picture. Download successfully!     

Hello! It's Milkychu
I made a mistake because I didn't have much experience in adding bonus characters. 
So this month's reward was a few days late.
I'm so sorry.  
But thank you so much for your support and waiting for me.  
I'll try harder!!
Published: 2020-04