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Boy it feels like forever since I’ve announced a comic, but we all know I have an impossible time sitting still so- I’m excited to start sharing my new project HEATWAVE with you all! It’s a one shot 9 page comic about Finley and Fish, nothing too groundbreaking just 2 fellas goin at it in the middle of summer.

I’ve wanted to do a short comic about these two for a while so I’m pretty excited about it. Since Farrago is still my main focus, I do not have a release schedule for pages besides When I am Able To Get Them Done but I will be sharing the first page this upcoming week! Thank you as always for your support, can’t wait for you to read 😘💖




Ahhh I'm so excited!! Finley is my boy 🥰💕🥰


I’d love to have them both in my bed omg


Oh my god!!! I love this two from the bottom of my heart omg omg I can't wait for it




I'm so excited for this comic omg 😳💕 they both look stUNNING