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Colors! Will the power of science be able to help Bukka? She's about to deal with a life-changing experience in the next page... heavily inspired by some anime and JRPG stuff. It'll be interesting and strangely sexy at the same time :P



BossMajor 345

Big round breeder bunny


Seems like Bukka is enjoying this even if it is a bit overwhelming~

Julian Hartmann

No, don't let her milk go to waste! /(°ロ°)\ Somebody grab some bottles!


As the part-Breeder Bukka is now, she finds pleasure in such overwhelming situation... although she's well aware it shouldn't be happening :P


I guess it's the toll for having multiple partners? Or is it too much too soon?


Glad to hear that Bukka is enjoying the pregnancy instead of suffering from it. Now to see how big she can get.


I sure do hope it's growing again~<3

Wilson Bennett

this is getting interesting


Just realized that Bukka's hand has a missing horn out of her hand in the middle panel, but has it on the bottom left panel. Was this to show her corruption growing as she's swelling up?


Hmmm. Is there about to be a split in the path again?


Let the science commence! I'm very curious about what's gonna happen to her :3c


Are kangs and adams kids the key for the resistance to overcome the supreme leader


Breeders' extend and retract their hand spike-thing instinctively when they feel endangered or in need to use it for other reasons (just like a feline, more or less). The giraffe girl is injecting anesthetics to Bukka, so the sudden sting is making her extend her hand spike on impulse.


Oh, I'm not planning to add extra splits to the current and next paths, at least atm :)


Definitely not. A big group of Breeders can come in handy, but they aren't enough to overcome an empire.