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More 3D art! Final set of pictures featuring this Renamon model I created for fun. What picture do you like the most? :D

Also, a little teaser of the newest model I have in the works. A familiar face!



BossMajor 345

You're getting really good with your animations




You make it harder and harder to choose from.... 5 and 6. Also wooo! Snakewife~

Julian Hartmann

Heels! One of my favourite fetishes! You don't see those too often in 3D stuff, I think. Also: Snek!


Lovely stuffs also not much of a teaser if her names in the link lmao


i'm a simply dragon. i see snitties, i like.

Fen Longpaw

Any of the ones showing off those toe beans are pretty grand, but I am also partial towards the one of Rena blowing her own load happily.~

Fen Longpaw

To be fair, it's damn near impossible to be coy with that silhouette. X3

Fen Longpaw

She's practically a new definition of a T-pose with her arms at her sides


Liked the 2nd, minus the heels. As for the sneak peak, looks promising already! Snek wife coming in!


Definitely the hotdogging one, delightfully plump rena-butt~


I just read teaser and immediately went to the pic to see who it was. Honestly I couldn't tell at first but then I saw all the link names and one said "Nirvana" and I got a chuckle outta it.


Snek mom incoming! Time for a mom battle between her and Adriana xD. 8 is my favourite of this set, Miss Rena looks very contented ^^


Hmm...prefered #5 then. Keep it up