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Inks and colors next! Final appearance of Adam and the Supreme Leader in this path. Still to this day, the "horse" guy continues to evolve and transcend into a lifeform that has fully embraced the Breeder corruption multiple times.

This path is almost over, so I'll post a poll to decide the next (much shorter) path together very soon!




It is rather satisfying that part of bukka's hive survived, and seeing adam like this is just a big nuke waiting to happen, that the Supreme leader has been very lucky to get away with it for now but it is just asking for it to backfire spectacularly and become the very thing she sought to control


What are the limits of the Breeders regenerative capabilities? Also, does the Supreme Leader have any lingering feelings for Adam or something?

Julian Hartmann

Oh boy! He's so cute! But do we find out if he's happy once the text is added to the page?

BossMajor 345

-_- look supreme leader I get your whole goal is wanting to further advance the evolution of your people... But Adam is an uncontrollable ticking time bomb that will only blow up in your face WHEN he finally breaks out


Chimera Project, this could only end in disaster.

Fen Longpaw

Dems some big balls there


Wow. I would never have guessed that was actually Adam. He really has changed.


If Adam breaks free, that's going to be quite the population explosion.


Looks like Adam's become a completely different being. I'm getting some serious William Birkin vibes here.


I mean Adam did get his wish in becoming an all powerful Breeding Tool.


He hasn't shown any misgivings about his actions so far. He's mated, changed and bred every female he's come across. He's already shown he's so far gone he wants to completely overpopulate the planet with his progeny, and that was BEFORE his containment. By now he's likely so raw and feral that the only thought in his head is to breed.


Well surly the Adam project won't backfire on our glorious leader at all!


Happy Easter all! My my, how the mighty have fallen. He's completely unrecognizable O_O! I hope the Supreme Leader knows what usually happens when you put giant biological experiments inside glass tubes :3c On a more positive note, it's good to see some of Bukka's sons again ^^


He's sleeping! Probably dreaming about a path where he gets a good ending X3


The main limit is that they can't regenerate missing limbs (arms, legs, hands, feet, etc) or main organs (like their brain or the heart) if they have been severely damaged. The Supreme Leader never shows even the slightest hint of feelings, but sometimes she remembers Adam was the only person who managed to become THAT close to her. Just a lil' bit of nostalgia, perhaps :)


Haha yeah, it must be complicated to fly around with those :P


Yeah! At this point he's much more Breeder than horse now, slightly mixed with other species.


Very good point! I have always been fascinated by how William Birkin mutates more and more until he ends up turning into a completely new lifeform, so there's a bit of influence there :D


Happy Easter to you too, Shrapnull! The Supreme Leader is indeed playing with fire, even if Utopia has an effective cure against the Breeder corruption (besides Breeder-ready contraceptives). She always makes sure to have everything under control, but you never know with Adam. And yeah! Sadly only 2 of her sons remain, but they're extremely loyal and well taught to live with other species :)


She has everything under control! Or... at least that's what she thinks~