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Colors next! Aurenn struggling to deal with the effects of spring on her broodmother body... including the sudden urge to feel huge and full of life with several clutches of [insert your favorite species here] eggs in her belly :P



Fleur Dryke

This is gonna be so lovely in the color.


Can’t wait to draw like Xpray someday

Julian Hartmann

Well, pretty sure that won't impact her work day too much but commuting with public transportation could get awkward....


Such a lovely broodmom~


She is wet and ready for her mate, aka master, to breed her into submission.


always a lovely sight when we get to see more Aurenn

Fen Longpaw

I can relate to that feeling Auren is dealing with, though it's enjoyable in its own way


Maybe this is were the term "Yearly Spring Stream" comes from. Now I wanna see her full post with extra large milk making Breasts. (With pregnancy and a few eggs.)


Always a joy to see Aurenn. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. :)

Wilson Bennett

how did I never realize she was a broodmother?


Her baking skills were so divine... I couldn't help myself, I needed MORE!!!!


As the librarian she is, taking care of the books while she leaks like that can be a bit... complicated. However, public transportation feels like a surrealistic experience when she's in that state :x