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Hey free peeps. 

I know it's been forever and for those of you that don't have access to the text updates and behind the scenes content, it's been a bumpy road this year for the game and for pretty much the entire world. But here it is at last and I can honest say, once again, I'm really proud of this update. This leaves off right where the last one ended and starts the first part of Chapter 9: Ash. I think it's got something in it for everyone and it's been well received by the Patreon supporters so far. Feel free to openly share this with others or post on other websites if you would like.

Remember: Don't use old saves. Start a new game and then select Chapter 9 to pickup where you left off. If you load an old save, the game will give you errors.

Please try and use MediaFire first because it has unlimited downloads; but if you reside outside of the US, Google Drive may be faster.

PC:        MediaFire            Google Drive     Google Drive2 

MAC:    MediaFire            Google Drive 

Change Log v0.18.1

-Fixed spelling errors

-Corrected the notorious flying cell phone 

-Corrected the speaker for a couple mislabeled dialogue lines

Change Log v0.18

-Began the first part of Chapter 9

-Did a quick fix on a CG during the convo with Zack and Mikhail walking where Zack bounced up and down and it was annoying af

-Dropped in a few random flashback scenes into the game to help make connections in conversations to which previous scenes they were specifically talking about. This doesn't change any of the story

- All chapters now have a different chapter title screen including a teasing quote. The quote appears somewhere within the chapter randomly




I really like the way that plot is going, great work. Hope to see more of Cody in the future ;)


Haha, yeah...Cody got pretty popular quick. He's a cutie


Congrats on 666 patrons 😈