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It's been forever, and here it is. The new update includes the first part of Chapter 9: Ash. Depending on how fast you read, there's probably 1 to 2 hours of story here. Just start a new game and follow the Update prompts to start from the newest chapter.

Note: Usually those in US have decent luck with the MediaFire link. Please use the Google Drive sparingly because it has limited downloads. I usually just recommend those with really slow downloads or those who do not reside in the US, use the Google Drive.

Also: Don't use old saves. The game will crash. Start a new game and follow the prompts on screen, it will jump you right back to the end of the last update.

Also: Please don't openly share this on any other websites. This costs me thousands to make and I'm only able to do this because of the donations. That also allows me to keep the game free for life and completely avoid advertisements (So please don't put it up on Gaytorrent until the public release). Once it's free to all, share it with whoever you want. Free version goes live in 3 weeks.

PC:  Google Drive          MediaFire 

MAC: Google Drive        MediaFire 

Feel free to discuss openly in the comments. If you don't want spoilers, avoid the comments below. If you find bugs or spelling issues, you can DM me on here or hit me or Blayke up on Discord for the fastest service (basically whoever is on). 




Signed up a donation today as I played the free version and it is literally so true to life. Zack really rings true with me and it has taken me so long to accept my sexuality and this puts it in such a relatable and simple way that it made me accept myself that little bit more!


Hey Tom, welcome aboard. I really appreciate the contribution and it means even more that you connected with Zack so much. Reaching out and validating people like you is one of the primary reasons for the game so thanks for that. Never gets old to see it helping people out


Wow great story as always.