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Hey all,

As I said, these are kind of designed to be released whenever, when I have time for them, instead of the pre scheduled big Sunday things, I'm just trying to hit the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for some consistency, so that's why this is a day late. I spent yesterday... doing other things.

So, McGonagall, err... I mean... McGargleballs...?

Yeah, that works.

And it's a funny sex joke too, see, she gargles balls, funny. And it sounds like gonagall, someone she definitely isn't.

Anyway, this completely original character do not steal is the resident professor of transfiguration... by complete coincidence it has nothing to do with the Harry Potter character.

She's old, stern, and takes her job very seriously, awards are only given out when earned the way they should, no shortcuts through... different means. That said, she's very good at rewarding those students that try hard, trust me. Very principled, doesn't break promises, and she's never missed a blow-job Sunday since gaining her position.

Naturally, she's very beloved by the student body, if a bit feared due to what she'll do to students caught... cheating.

In her youth though, she was a bit of a rebel, a ne'er-do-well that thanks to her proficiency with transfiguration got away with a lot by... catering to the specific desires and leanings to those she slighted, to make up for it, so to speak.

But everyone grows up one day, and so McGargleballs after the wild fun in her youth decided to take life a lot more seriously, though she never lost her touch in handling a nice hearty meal of salami and meatballs, with plenty of cream, and still uses her skill in transfiguration to keep herself looking... far younger than she should look. But no one's complaining about that.

Phew ok, that's the final gal in the first set of 7, remember, there are 13 of these, quite a bit to go. And I'm already working on a new set that will include some of the gals I couldn't in this one because I ran out of space for non-hagworts female characters, without you know losing that "oh look it's numbered after these magical numbers that are only divisible by one and themselves how neat also often associated with luck, or its opposite, and with magic whew so smart me very big IQ yes very smarty" thing I have going on here.

SoCarter out.



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