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Hey all,

So, of course, this is not a character from Hogwarts as said before, because this is all completely original and has nothing to do with Harry Potter. She's from Hagworts.

However, all jokes aside.

I wanted to do this series for a long while now, sexyfying all the female characters. And I do mean all of them. Or well, a significant portion. I initially wanted to keep it to just book-canon characters. But with my plans, quickly realized that was not going to be enough.

Initial plan was, based on the amount of female Hagworts faculty, 13 in total. I'd do 13 series of 7 sketches each, capping off each set of seven with either a professor or other.

I had assumed that, with the majority of the story taking place at school, and with faculty only being a small pool of characters within there, the majority of characters would also be students. So I broke it down as 4 students, one per house, two non-Hagworts female character, ending with a professor, seven total, thirteen times, 52 students, 26 others, 13 faculty, 91. I was kinda wrong.
Turns out there's way less students than I had assumed, and even now after really stretching the meaning of the word 'canon' to get to that final 52, just a cursory count of other female characters done mostly by memory leaves me with less than half of the total drawn with 26 sketches. And I didn't even have to scour the wiki yet for increasingly obscure names to get there.

But I don't want to deviate from this 7-13 set, 7 books, 7 school years, 7 horcruxes, 7 sketches, 13 professors/others, 13 sets. Seven and Thirteen are both considered magical numbers. It all lines up right, very neat I like it. And 4 students per set, 4 houses, 3 left over, 3, another 'magical' number? It's perfect. Too perfect. I can't drop it.

So we're going obscure. Also partially because I'd already drawn so many I didn't want to retroactively change it and throw everything off once I discovered there were not going to be enough students.

Sue Li is from a group of characters known as the original 40, they being the names of all forty of the titular character's school year, 10 for each house, even 50/50 split between the sexes. She was never mentioned in the books, but from the writer's notes we know of all of them. And she was sorted into Ravenclaw... er I mean, Crow...tallon, yeah, sorted into Crowtallon. Ignore the shield on her uniform, it lies.

Also she's not called Sue Li, she's... she's... Siya Liu, yeah that's it.

Got nothing to do with Harry Potter I mean Hairy Trotter.

I'm not sure how long I can keep these "totally not the thing we all know it is" jokes up but I'm going to try to go all the way.

SoCarter out.



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