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Hey all,

Hey hello hi again, it's been a few.
So as I said, things slowed down a bit for the holidays because busy and stuff. But it ended up going for way longer than planned and I ended up going on a little... ehm... kinda one and a half/two month break.

Looking back on it, it was rest I needed. But as per usual my chronic disability of letting you peeps know about stuff stopped me from communicating any of this to you. So don't worry my health is fine, no crisis here, just took a bit of an extended break.
For those who stuck it through: dang, I am grateful. For those that didn't: gee, I don't blame you.

I promise I don't plan on the content output being this low. I think the problem currently is, perhaps contradictory so, all my "time saving" measures I put in place to try and keep up a weekly schedule. Because those quick character sketches I do for my fantasy setting and Warhams ends up taking way more time because I'm also writing a goddamn essay down here every single time to go with them. And I feel kinda stuck now in this format because uploading a sketch without story or lore feels like a waste, and I'll have to sketch an additional fantasy character to make up for it, meanwhile the smut gets more detailed and drawn out, necessitating ever more character sketches, et cetera, et cetera.
Don't get me wrong it's a ton of fun, but it's hardly been saving me much time throughout my, by now extremely delayed, "comeback".

If you were wondering. Yes, this IS that third thing of the three big pieces I promised to drop during HALLOWEEN, that was before Christmas, before December, before November even. That's not even one big piece per month if you're keeping up count.

I used to do two per week.
Now granted, this was due me devoting far less time and effort into each individual piece at the time, but even after that I, for solid block at least, was able to keep it to once a week+ sketches.

For this one, I went back to lining by hand again, as I had initially changed to using the line tool, as it was far quicker. But here's the thing. I started working on this last Thursday, and I finished it around midnight yesterday, that's less than a week, Without any time saving measures. Obviously I can still do it.
So methinks it's just down to motivation, the pressure (I entirely put on myself and there is no-one to blame but me), of wanting to provide the weekly big projects together with the sketches and giant lore and story dumps put me off on getting back into it because it all put together ended up being far more work than I wanted to do, that I had planned to do.

That's silly, I don't need to do all of that. At the same time, I don't want to stop doing it either.
So maybe, the next "quick" project should include a bit less effort on my part. Maybe purely sketches (cleaned up of course), no big enormous walls of text I don't even need to write in the first place because I'm pretty sure that's not what you're here FOR so why should I even make that a reason to not upload because I feel I put too much on my plate and now I'm stressed and what the hell is this, this is my hobby, not a job. What the hell am I even doing? Just draw big floppy ding dongs stuffing luscious babes with cream what is the problem?

So, here's to my comeback, again, I might slow down the... *ahem* "quick and easy" sketches so I can focus on the important stuff a bit more.

SoCarter out.




I mean, for what it’s worth… *I’m* here for the text.


Glad you like it ;) I don't plan on stopping it either, just might do a bit less of them than three times a week.