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Hey all,

Now we're getting into some territory I actually don't know that much about, as I'm not so interested in Necrons, more of an Imperium/Tau/Tyranid person myself (And trust me, the Tyranid monster girls are coming too eventually).

Not that I don't like the Necrons, being undead terminator space egyptians and all, that's plenty cool. And I know a lot of their history and the war in heaven against the Old Ones they were involved with. But specific kinds of Necron? Don't know much. Probably because for the longest time the Necron were a faction of nobodies, literally, their minds and personalities were entirely erased and they were turned into identical automatons, enslaved to the C'tan. And it's only been fairly recently that they got a bit more variety to them and their ancient space Egyptian vibe, so I suppose I'm not entirely used to their new personality yet, though it's been quite a while now that they've been this way.

For example. that skelebot lady up there? That's a Lychguard, don't know a thing about 'em so I'm having to read up on them on wiki's and such (I recommend lexicanum for your "canon" lore needs, and 1d4chan for some more fun stuff (as well as tactica and rules, tips and tricks for the tabletop) there's also the wiki you get when you just search "warhammer 40K wiki" on google but I've always found it lacking, though I've heard through the grapevine they've been getting better lately so maybe that one's useful too, still, lexicanum, pretty great)

When the C'tan fucked the Necrontyr over and robbed most of them of their personalities to turn them into their undead robot slaves while slurping up their juicy, juicy souls, few were allowed to keep some of their memories and personality, so they could function as generals, leaders, and tacticians. Among them are the Lychguard, they were nobles in life, serving Necron royalty directly as their personal guard, and they kept this role during the soul transfer. They're elite warriors, perfectionists in battle, guarding their lords and masters. And to better serve that role, were allowed some of their personality to be left intact.

That is about all I know about the Lychguard.

After the soul transfer, the Necron were as slaves to their C'tan masters, even those who retained their minds were enslaved, the leader of the Necrontyr who made the deal with the deceiver, known only as The Silent King, felt great shame after he realized what happened, and that he had doomed their race by getting tricked by that golden grinning bastard, bamboozled even.

But with their new undead metal bodies, the course of their war in heaven against the old ones swayed in their favour, and they won.

The galaxy was left in shambles, and they had lost themselves in the process, but with the help of their C'tan star gods, they had won.

Then The Silent King sprung his trap, and he rebelled against their C'tan masters.

And the Necron beat the C'tan too. Their slavers were beaten and shattered, these shards are but a fraction of their former power, and when recombined could birth the old gods anew at full power, but the Necron locked the shards away. And used their once masters now as little more than batteries, enslaving the slavers.

The Silent King exiled himself to roam the void of space forever for what he had done to his people, as the soul transference could not be reversed, and the Necron went to sleep while the galaxy healed.

As per usual, I gave this one tits,

SoCarter out.



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