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Answer: All of them.

Hey all,

Jee-sus Christ on a stick it's been a while, and this took a while. This absolutely humongous commission involving no less than 11 characters has been left with me months back, initial plan was to work on it in the background and release whenever ready.

That plan ended up going nowhere and just resulted in a bunch of shitty scrapped drafts. So I've decided to throw it all aside and take some time out to really focus on this thing because it's about time to deliver.

Sorry for the wait guys and gals, but here it finally is.

We're well into our third week of working on this, and while technically it could've been done by Wednesday or Thursday, I decided to give myself a bit of extra rest and just do all the finishing touches at my leisure, and not crunch it in a day.

But so here it is! For those who have not yet guessed just what the hell this is, it's an all-female orgy scene... thing, featuring a whole heaping bunch of female Dr. Who characters. Like there's some of the female companions, like Donna, Rose, and... the chick who also plays nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy and the like, there's the lizard lady, there's this pitch black female shaped glowy red eyed thingie, the gang's all here!

Well I don't know really, I don't watch Dr. Who, so I don't know who's missing. I've only really followed along with it from the sidelines during the Eccleston and Tennant era because back then I was still living with my parents and my older brother watched it so since we shared a pc room I caught a whole bunch of eps then. Also caught a bit of the next guy, the fezz dude, hung out with... Clara Oswald? I think I remember her because she was (is?) inordinately cute.

You Who fanatics may be able to sus out who's who (heh), cozz I sure don't.

But it's finally done and I am highly probably NOT taking on any more projects of this magnitude. As I gave this my full attention it quickly became evident that this was not doable in the normal time frame, and even at nearly three weeks of work I feel I rushed things here and there.

For half a maddening moment I had the initial idea in my mind to make separate pinups for each of them and then combine them together in this large orgy with all kinds of versions for them all separately. I quickly decided that trying that would be insane and didn't. But I did include a big tiddy version. Just sorta happened really, initial ask was for a normal and a preggers version but while sketching I gave some a bigger bust because preggers=milk factories start working and stuff. It was just a natural choice to make. I then thought "eh I might just as well make a separate big tiddy version now that I'm working on these anyway".

It's a nice bonus for the wait I feel and didn't take long to add in.

From now on, regular sized projects again, so assuming I don't pull a me and slack off again expect a normal upload schedule for next week.

SoCarter out.



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