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Hey all,

This one's a bit late again, not because work has been keeping my busy that much (though I did have to work late today), but because I decided to slack off a bit after last week's cramped schedule. Unfortunately it meant that because I had to work late today I couldn't finish this earlier on when I wanted to and it'd have to be late again so... that's an explanation.

And hey this Digi-gal isn't getting fucked by and/or servicing a massive shlong. That's new. Yeah, I can still do the occasional simple pinup right? Those are fun too.

And we also welcome two (2!) more patrons today! One left but that's besides the point. Welcome, welcome, I hope you both enjoy your stay ;)

Numbers are being funky again tho because yesterday it said 9 total for me and now it's back down to 8 which I THINK is how much it should be? So maybe it's correct now. Either way the total money does not add up AT ALL no matter how you slice it so that's... patreon being patreon.

I'm sure if this page ever becomes big it won't be noticeable anymore but until then it is fun to look at and try to make sense of.

SoCarter out.



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