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A few days ago Patreon contacted me letting me know that this page is outside of Patreon's Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.
We've been discussing the situation and I've advanced a few alternatives as to how things can move forward without me having to leave the platform (I don't want to leave the platform but I will if certain conditions aren't met, whether that's by me or them).

All in all it shouldn't be a cause of concern to you until a final decision is reached, but it's been a bit stressful to me, and that plus a few other things going on, means I will be a bit late posting the WIPs this month (since so far it has happened on the 5th of every month).

I apologize for the slight delay!! I'm working on getting the WIPs together, mind you, I just doubt it'll be by tomorrow. I could rush it, but I don't want to do that...you would notice if I did.

You'll hear more from me on the matter very soon!



okie doke thanks for info :)