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Full files are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9tjhyuyfmuorn91/AAAaqIzKx2bmZLcv8s07Gc-fa?dl=0




Look at that ass grow! Doing good but I’m sure it can still be much bigger. That thong is still in one piece! And even then, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind still growing well past that stage~


sethan WISHES he had an ass that fat


this is BY FAR the best comic youve EVER made imo, and its not even finished


I think this is my favorite comic of yours, ever. I love watching Drake bitch out. I love it more than anything. But he never really... changes, physically. So seeing him turn more and more into a faggot has me beyond thrilled. Especially since, as much as I'm sure it's just my headcanon, it looks like his dick shrank between 11 and 12. And I love imagining Santa taking that dick away and replacing it with more and more assmeat. Completely in love with this.


it's more up to santa than it is up to drake. and also, that thong it probably indestructible


hehe i love your enthusiasm. i would have to say that the dick to ass size exchange is unfortunately a guilty case of headcanon, but i've thought about that situation before with other characters. it seems like a natural exchange.


At least my headcanon can survive. It is a natural exchange, and I just imagine Drake losing inches off his dick, being turned into the biggest bottom there's ever been, until that pink thong starts to fit a lot more naturally. But then again, I'm an absolute pervert and live for that kinda shit.


perverted thoughts should always be indulged to their maximum. if that's your ideal, then stew in it.