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Hey guys,

I've been receiving a few requests for commissions recently, so I'm going to open 1 or 2 slots a month for try to accommodate them for a bit. I'm opening one slot for the May pack, we'll go from there. 

All commissions are fully coloured pieces. I don't have really any rules about themes, I just ask that whatever you request is in line with what I regularly draw for Patreon. No super obscure characters, personal OCs, or mech warriors or things like that. I also can't do private commissions.


$165 for one character

+$115 for additional characters

 You get 1 variation included, then it's +$40 for additional variations

If you'd like a comic page, they're a bit more pricey. Payment is done upfront through paypal, and the sender covers fees.

If you want something, send me a message with your idea.



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