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I underestimated the course load I took on this semester with school, and juggling content creation with classwork has gotten to be tricky. I don't want to charge people for a month where I might not be able to make content, so next month I'll be 'skipping' the Patreon cycle!

Basically,  nobody is going to be charged for November. I'll do my best to get this month's voted Patreon-only video out by the end of the month, but I'm not sure that'll be possible.

However, anybody who pledged this month absolutely will be getting access to this month's content regardless! if it's not done by the end of this month, I'll send everybody a message with a download link~ Similarly, any content that doesn't get finished this month will simply be delayed, and that includes all video credits, etc!

I rly sincerely apologize for things getting a little muddled up, I've been having a tough time finding balance lately and I'm crossing my fingers things will be sorted by December! As always, message me if there's anything I can help you with or clarify, I know things in the world are still scary and stressful for a lot of people, so I'm wishing you all the best!



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