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Do you think that the kpop industry will ever reach a stagnant stage


Is there a location/language for which you would like to have NCT unit focused on?


what do you think the biggest difference is between 3rd and 4th generation kpop?


What's your opinion on Hyunjin being edited out of all the Kingdom stuff they've already filmed and not participating due to his hiatus? Also the recent controversy of KTown not selling posters with Hyunjin in them, even though JYP has not ordered this in any way?


With Bravegirls’ recent success, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! What do you think this means for the group? How do you feel about them wanting to claim the Sunmer Queens title?


Yay I can catch it for once!

Opinionated Matt

Which group would you give a "miracle/EXID/Brave Girls" card to if you could? I'm thinking GWSN, Weki Meki, CLC, Nature,...


How and which groups in KPOP history helped shape the musicality and culture of modern KPOP groups?


PD, what qualities in a group do you look for when stanning? e.g. their vocals?Rap?Dancing?visuals?personalities?Music Quality? Whats the 'it' factor for you / selling point


Maybe a discussion about genres that aren't as explored in kpop but would be interesting if more groups / soloists explored?

Kiwi Space

What is one(or many) kpop concepts you are tired of seeing? What genres of kpop do you wish could be explored more? What are your thoughts on the recent surge of idols going into acting(basic dramas that aren't singing related)?

No Sana No Life

What's your opinion on the slave room issue specifically targeting Twice and other groups?


if you could make your own kpop group (with idols that already debuted), who would be in it?


PD I'd love to hear if you have watched any online concerts like the izone concert and your thoughts on them


Have you watched Minari and if you have did you like it? Or other movies that you really liked from this year?

Opinionated Matt

I wonder if you could talk a bit about BAP, not necessarily all the controversies with their company and other bad things but more about their music and lyrics, what did you think of it, how their successes on Billboard before BTS even existed and other things like that. I'm only a recent Kpop fan so I'm wondering if it could be interesting for others to know about a group that did so well for so long (17 out of 20 singles were in the top 10 of the Billboard World chart) but is now kind of left out in the dust of groups that came later on. On very specific question I have about them is: did you think they made Kpop at the time? I recently checked them out because of a video about TS Entertainment ironically, then checked out InternetsNathan video about the group and finally went on to check out their MVs, short films, title tracks... From what I've heard it seems to me that the group had a pretty different sound from other contemporaries and their song to me largely felt like American ones but sang in Korean. It was a really surreal experience, even the MVs seemed largely inspired if not even located in the US itself which to be honest surprised me a lot. I then read that the inspiration for their music came from a series of American hip-hop artists so there's that to take into consideration too.


If you were given the reins to create a ~1hr Idol variety show, what would you do? What would the general vibe be, what regular segments would you have, any specific games, rewards, interview questions, etc. Most importantly, who would your hosts be, and who would be the guests for the first 3 episodes. Thanks for all your hard work!

Kim Chaewon

An article on the fans anger on IZONE's disbandment: https://andrewboxall.co.uk/2021/03/17/izone-concert-traumatic/ Think it would be interesting for you to discuss your thoughts on the situation


Maybe we could hear your thoughts on the recent Grammys?