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- Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/812591153/86afce48e2

- WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/ogzMa2k2RtY


Episode Synopsis:

The King, finding ways to entertain himself while waiting for the selection, summons masters of Shogi and Go and defeats them in matches. Next, the King summons Komugi, a blind girl who is the world champion of a board game called Gungi which originated in the Republic of East Gorteau... When the match begins, the blind girl opens her eyes..


Links To All Our HUNTER x HUNTER Reactions:


HxH 103 Watchalong


Flev Dorin

Hey, we may be a small fanbase on this patreon channel, but we're a proud two some!😂 I like the idea of Komugi being a great blind player, cause this sort of things really exist where really good chess players would do a blindfold game and just keep in mind the moves they made on the board and the moves of their oponent that were recounted to them. To answere Greg's question about the nen abilities as simply as I can: all humans in this world have a amount of aura in them and the nen is just the tool you use to unlock that source of power, there are 6 types of nen users, each with their own ability to use the aura, some can mimic somebody else's power, some ccan eject their aura and use it as weapons (i.e: Morel's deep purple soldiers), and some can create whole things like Cheetu, and some are good at using all of them. Basically when you discover which category you are in (through a specific test), then you just play around until you find something that fits.

NuzeroN (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 14:26:58 :)
2023-03-29 12:18:50 :) yes there is such a long setup for this finale, because once the action starts it doesn't stop. These episodes will also make more sense once you realize more about the King's birth there are some issues about his birth and how he is raised that is important. This girl in some ways is the kings first introduction into the world of Noble humanity.

:) yes there is such a long setup for this finale, because once the action starts it doesn't stop. These episodes will also make more sense once you realize more about the King's birth there are some issues about his birth and how he is raised that is important. This girl in some ways is the kings first introduction into the world of Noble humanity.