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I've brought it up before, and the situation only becomes more desperate. We need more (or at least one) dedicated unaware giantess server! Welp, I'm ready to do it. And I want YOUR help!

Admittedly, I'm really busy, and that's the only reason I haven't already done this on my own. I don't anticipate being less busy anytime soon, so I'd like to enlist a few moderators to help build and run the server. I've built a few myself, but I would much rather have a few people who know more about using bots and the new way Discord handles roles and permissions before I attempt it myself.

I want there to be open roleplay, but also a dedicated section for public unaware roleplay. However, creating this server would serve not only the purpose of bringing more attention to unaware content, but to spend more time talking to you all!

Between projects, I spend quite a bit of time just working on concept animations and test shots for stories that I don't want to make a post about (I try not to blow up your inbox more than a few times a week). But I ALSO really enjoy talking about the process, share WIPs more often, and just generally get to know you all. I hope those of you who have been around for a while have seen that I do genuinely try to bring in your ideas when I can.

SO! If you'd be interested in helping build the server (basically from scratch) and help moderate it, please send me a message! Please have some experience both building and moderating a discord server, or have a ton of experience doing one or the other. I'll still be admin, but I effectively would like to be hands off once the server is built.

In exchange, anyone selected to help build and moderate the server will get free access to all of the content I create. I'll effectively share links directly with you. If you're already a top tier patrons, this would effectively mean instead of paying for a Patreon subscription, you just help run the server. This will extend for the entire length of time you are helping with the server. I'll probably throw in the occasional freebie commission or something as well...

Anyway, yeah! I'd really like a strong, thriving server for unaware content to hang out in, with a dedicated section for patrons of 'x' level and above, to chat with about my content and get your feedback in a more conversational style. If you're interested in helping, message me! If there's a lot of interest, I may do a quick Google Form, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

Shrunken Sunday Full version ($10) should be up this weekend, and I still have a couple small things to release for this month. Talk soon!




I'd love to help! I sent you a message introducing myself