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Five girls, one white room, and one tiny man trying to survive a series of modeling auditions.  Nothing could go wrong, right?


This was a fun project! I wish I had more time to spend on it, but I'll definitely return to this concept in the future, hence the 'Vol. 1'. I had so many ideas while editing that I want to dive deeper into. This version contains a couple of cut content scenes that won't be available in the full version.  As I mentioned in the last post, it also contains an aware, gentle and playful giantess with some face/nose/mouth scenes that I particularly enjoyed. Otherwise, lots of feet and shoeplay here! About 4 minutes of content.

I'm getting better at this, but it's still got some rough edges! Be gentle. :) Early access for now, and the full version will be available later without the cut content, probably shorter, too. Enjoy!



White Room Auditions Vol. 1 - Director's Cut

White Room Auditions Vol. 1 - Director's Cut


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