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February 1 / Flower Maze of Maruki's Palace

"We're almost there! I can feel the treasure nearby!" Morgana piped up as the gang ran up the staircase.

"This was the last of flower staircase we need and there shouldn't be any enemys ahead anymore! Just head for the door up there!" Futaba informed while frequently scaning the surroundings for anomalies.

"Can't wait to punch that Maruki in the face after everything he made us go through" Aketchi hissed under his breath.

"I would rather head back than continue forward. We are all extremely drained. Don't you think its a good idea to call it a day and head back after we checked out that door?" Sumire breathed heavily exhausted from the many fights that they had to endure that day.

As the crew reached the door, all of them were breathing heavily. Makoto opened the door to a creak and then risked a glance to the inside, only for the door to be slamed open by a strong looking shadow from the inside. "No need to be shy, welcome to the garden of eden... Wait... You... have not accepted the true reality yet. How did you get here? And with such a rebellious spirit! I need to take you straight to the reconditioning center!"

"Yeah... I'd rather pass on that." Ryuko Sakamoto, the shujin gym teacher and codename skull, said, took her crowbar and mightily slugged the shadow over the head, only for it to regenerate and look ready to fight.

"I got your back" Haru shouted and jumped in the air to bring down her axe on that shadow. But this time the shadow punched Haru the moment her Axe came down and flinged her over the ledge of the staircase.

Joker immediately ran of the edge and dived after Haru, who tried her best to stay calm the best she could. Moments later Joker managed to grab Haru's arm, then looked frantically for some object to grapple to, as that was pretty much the only thing that could save him and Haru from the impact on concrete. His eyes fell on the golden statue of Rumi, Marukis ex girlfriend.(edited)

The fact that this statue existed was proof that she was still a major part of his mind and the main reason why Maruki tries to “save” everyone in his own way.

But Joker had no more time left to think, so he fired his grappling hook at the statuary. The hook hit Rumi’s neck, that began to crack, but gave Joker enough of a leverage to stop his fall and swing himself with haru in his hands on top of the statuary.

The thieves landed gracefully on Rumi’s head, but when Joker wanted to pull his grappling hook out of it, the crack only grew bigger. It was then that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that Haru no longer had her axe by her side.

On top of the highest staircase, the shadow looked over to them with the Axe in hand and said. “You lost something up here, Mrs. Intruder!”, before flinging the Axe towards the both of them.

Haru immediately jumped away towards the nearest staircase, but Joker saw that there was no chance of that Axe ever hitting him, as it flew way too low and hit the Statuary he was standing on in the middle of her chest.

A giant crater appeared where the axe had landed and combined quickly with the cracks that were already on the statue’s neck. Chunks of the statuary broke, one after the other, until the entire thing started to rumble, and finally only moments later, collapsed entirely.

After the dust settles Joker was sitting on the bottom of what was left of the memorial to Rumi, with practically every bone in his body hurting a lot. But Futaba’s girly voice made him snap out of his dazed state.

“Guys, the Palace just became incredibly unstable! That Statuary was surely Important to Marukis cognition and I don’t know what would happen to us if we stay here! We need to leave this Palace, NOW!”

Joker could barely see the rest of his gang use a Goho-M and vanishing in a puff of smoke, so he did the same with the vial that he always carried around for emergencies.

And thus, the phantom thieves returned to the real world.

Ren sighed as he rolled his shoulders and heard a small crack come from them. His body still ached from what had happened and was sure it was going to be a while before he was back at his best.  It had been a while since he had felt like this. The last time he remembered feeling like this was when they were running out of Shido’s palace.

“Well that could have gone worse,” Ryuko sighed as she slouched forward. Breathing heavily.

Ren looked at his professor, his eyes automatically narrowing in on her enormous bust-line. The gym uniform did nothing to conceal his teacher’s curvaceous body. With her heavy breathing and the eay she was slouching forward it made a bouncing effect of her bosom all the more bosom, especially with the layer of sweat on her body that made her clothes cling tighter to her frame.

After finally managed to avert his gaze from her body. He looked at the rest of his friends to see how they were doing. None of them seemed worse for wear and there clothes were still in the same pristine condition, but all of them looked tired, as if Ryuko had put them through one of her training sessions.

You can say that again sensei,” Ann agreed as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

“…Is something wrong Futaba?” Makoto asked, bringing him out observation and looking at the youngest member of the Phantom Thieves.

The normally chipper girl was looking down at the ground with a worried look, as if she had received some horrible news.

“Guys Im worried, about Maruki destroying that statue could have big ramifications,” Futaba said.

All of them, aside from Akechi, who didnt care, knew that despite what he was doing, he wasn’t a bad person. He truly did care about everyone and wanted everyone to be happy. He was just going about it the wrong way.

They didnt have any sure fire way to contact him anymore. Before they had his cellphone number and could speak to him reguarly. Now though when they tried to contact him all they recieved was a response saying that the number was disconnected. They knew that he could contact them whenever he wanted, but the same couldn’t be said for the,. All they could do was hope he was okay and that he would reach out to them.

As they all agreed that there was nothing they could do at the moment, the phantom thieves split up and made their ways home again. Ren dragged his body up the straircase in leblance and went straight to bed, as he really had no energy left to do anything else.

The next day came and another school day started for Ren. He wasn’t exactly motivated, as he now had only about two days left to find the treasure before Maruki becomes pretty much unstoppable. And now that the Palace was potentially now unenterable today, didn’t make him feel any better.

With a sigh he entered the classroom, sat down on his usual chair behind Ann, who also didn’t seem to happy about yesterday’s situation, and started to ponder about the plan for the thieves for the day. It was then that he received a message just as Kawakami entered the classroom to start her class.

“Guys, you won’t believe this! Maruki came back to be a counselor at Shujin,” Proffessor Sakamoto wrote in the group chat. “I just heard it from another teacher and everyone acts like he never left this place. I even saw him just now near the school nursery!“

“What?“ Ann wrote and Morgana said it out loud. Even Joker was making a surprised face.

“Why? Why would he use his powers to making it so that he had newer left?” Makoto wrote.

“There is the possibility that he wants to monitor you on the last couple of days,“ Futaba added.

“This could proof rather troublesome indeed,” Yusuke wrote.

Then a knock was heard at the classroom door and Maruki slowly opened the door. „Excuse me, miss Kawakami. I‘m sorry to interrupt you lecture, but I‘d like to borrow… Amamiya-kun…? For a moment. We have an urgent counseling session now. I‘m sorry again to intrude.“

Ren looked at the doctor, wondering what he wanted to talk about and how he was doing. His mind ran with all the possibilities. He wondered how he was doing after what had happened. He doubted that something like what happened in the Palace, especially with someone who Maruki loved dearly would have no side effects on his mind.

"I don't see why not," Kawakami said slowly, feeling something was off. “That is if Amamiya-kun is alright with it.”

Ren looked at the others wondering what they were thinking. He saw the look Morgana and Ann were sending a worried look at him, telling him not to go. He understood their worries, considering what was happening now, and yesterday. They didn’t know what damage had been done to him, or if he was still the same person, but still he couldn’t help but feel a little at ease.

Maruki might have complete control over the world, but if he wanted to do something then he wouldn't have revealed himself like this. He could have just used his influence from the Palace or wherever he was, and alter the world some more. Despite whatever might have happened to his mind, he would trust him, and speak to him again.

“It’s alright. Should I bring my stuff?” Ren asked, wondering how long this would take. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t do anything untoward or terrible. It was a gut feeling that he had. Even if they were enemies he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt him, at least not until the final confrontation, where their beliefs would fully clash.

“That won’t be necessary, if anything we should be done before the lesson,” Maruki said.

“Will this be long?” Kawakami asked.

"No, it won't," Ren announced as he stood up and walked towards the the two adults in the front of the class. Gossip like whispers reverberated through the whole classroom.

"Now, now, settle down, guys!" Kawakami clapped her hands as she hushed the class. "I'll have Takamaki-san tell you what you missed when you come back."

"Thank you again for your understanding" Maruki bowed to Kawakami. "Now then, please follow me."

Maruki and Ren left the classroom and walked down the corridor, Ren keeping a bit of distance between them as he still had no Ideas what Maruki had planed. When they walked down the stairs they saw Makoto and Professor Sakamoto talking in the hallway. The two of them immediately stopped and stared at the two men, before Makoto gave a respectful bow and Ryuko's faces changed into a worried expression. Maruki just gave them a warm smile and a wave, before continuing down to the infirmary.

As the two reached their usual meeting room, Maruki sat down on the couch and gave a silent. "Please, take a seat."

It took everything out of Maruki to not collapse on the spot. He felt awful, like he lost the drive to live, but knew that he had to continue onward to save the world. But the worst part of his headache was that he had a hard time looking at the person in front of him. He knew that he was the leader of the phantom thieves and an exceptional student on top of that, but his name kept slipping his mind. And while his eye sight was completely fine for the most part, Maruki couldn't make out the person in front of him, only a mess of blur. Yet, for some reason he had to see him now. Especially now. Like he was the only person in the world that could help Maruki.

"I wanted to ask you again: Why do you want to stop me?" Maruki asked with a smile that tried his best to hid his discomfort.

"Because we want decide our own destiny." Ren adamantly stated.

The voice sounded so distorted to Maruki, that he had a hard time even telling what it had said. It was like a distorted mix of a female and a male voice. Was he talking to a girl? He couldn't remember.

"I understand. But is there a way for me to help you achieve that?" Maruki asked but really didn't care about the answer. He just wanted to hear that voice again and hoped that it would turn out to be a lovely female voice.

Ren opened his mouth to speak, only to let out a cough instead. He opened his mouth, to speak only to let out another cough. A tightness entered his chest and throat as he continued to cough, growing more rasp and haggard. He was able to get small gulps of air in between, but the pain kept growing as they came out.

“Would you like something to drink or some candy?” Maruki asked. “I could get you a cup off water or make some tea real quick. I would offer you a soda, but that just might make it worse.”

“That would be appreciated,” Ren said in between the fit, as he started to suck down the saliva in his mouth, hoping that it would do something. “Water please?”

In reality, the real reason, why he was feeling such discomfort was because his throat was changing. It was slimming down and getting smaller. His adam’s apple shrinking along with it.  The smaller it got, the more uncomfortable his throat got. His scratchy coughing increased it kept coming out. He tried to stop himself, bit they just kept coming.  His chest ached as if he had just been slugged there,  and yet the coughing fit wouldn’t end, and the pain in his throat, growing.

“That’s a pretty bad cough,” Maruki commented. “You are taking care of yourself right, despite everything that is happening.”

Ren took the glass and greedily drank the water and moaned in relief as it traveled down his throat, the coughing fit dying as he drank. The water seemingly doused the sudden fit as if it was putting out a fire. The scratchiness of it all got smaller as more of it traveled down his throat. It seemed to even out his throat as if it was tuning them. The moment he was done drinking he slammed the glass down, taking a deep breath of air.

“I’m doing as well as can be...Huh?” Ren blinked, wondering where that voice was coming from. That wasn’t his voice. Those were the words that he had meant to say, but the voice certainly wasn’t his. A cold chill went down his spine as his head started to ache a little. “Is...Is that my voice?”

The Wildcard looked at Maruki fearfully. Was he wrong? Was Maruki making moves to stop them ahead of time? He didn’t want to believe it. It was just so...out of character to him. He was sure that he wouldn’t do that. Not after all the time that they had spent together,  learning more about each other.

"What was that about your voice...?" Maruki looked at Ren with a worried expression, that told him exactly that he definitely wasn't deliberately behind this weird change. Maruki rubbed his forehead and added. "I'm sorry, I am not on the top of my game today. I didn't catch that last part. Is your cough better?"

"Yes, I'm better now. I said, I'm glad my voice is back to normal." Ren lied in an almost melodic sounding female voice, and as weird as it felt to hear such a voice from his own mouth, he had to know how Maruki would react to that statement. Maruki didn't seem fazed at all from his new tone and just quietly rubbed his forehead.

Maruki was glad that he could now finally hear his adversary perfectly again, and even more so because even though he still couldn't see that person at all, he at least could be sure that it was a girl. All he could see is a faint outline of a person, but that persons voice sounded so familiar, so dreamy, so beautiful. It made him have a hard time focusing, yet he just wished she would never stop talking.

He somewhat regained his composure and asked again. "Is there anything I can do to convince you to stop fighting me?"

"We want to decide our own fate and take the consequences of our actions, that is the only way for us to grow. We don't want to be controlled by anyone, thats why we rebel. For example: You wouldn't want to be forced to fall in love with someone, just because some god decided that it is good for you." Ren said sternly, but then questioned the example he just brought up. Why was he thinking about love of all things? Doesn't matter, the analogy worked.

"But wouldn't you appreciate when someone helps you, by making a girl sit across from you that is very easy to talk too?" Maruki asked, then realised that this exact situation was happening to him right now.

“If it’s a friend of mine then maybe, but if we don’t face such hardships then we don’t grow as people, and learn,” Ren refuted, frowning at the soft melodic voice that would put anyone at ease. She would have more words to say, but the voice she had now was just too distracting and awkward for her right now to do so.

Ren gulped as a sudden intense heat formed between his legs as blood rushed down there.

He could feel his member start to rise and gulped as he breathed in and out to keep his body calm, but it just wouldn’t stop. His face warmed, and his heart skipped a beat. It just kept getting stronger and there was nothing he could do to stop. He placed one of his legs on top of the other to try and hide the erection that was there. This conversation was already, heavy enough, he didn’t need to add to the awkwardness of them being enemies with that bein noticed.

Suddenly it started to get smaller and he let out a small erotic moan that made his face darken further. The young man couldn’t believe that he had made that noise and looked away from Maruki, momentarily forgetting the change in his voice.  It was as if he was pleasing himself with a favorite ecchi show and imagining himself in it. It slowly got smaller and each little bit he lost just felt like he was getting further please.

“Ahh!” Ren gasped and his breath hitched as the head of his penis entered his body, leaving a new entrance that was ready to be used.

He jumped in his seat and gasped as his balls rammed in front of the new entrance that was there. He shimmied in his seat and pressed down harder on his leg with the other. The moment the last of his balls entered his body he shuddered in his seat. “Ahhh!”

The young man wiped his brow and noticed the front of his pants felt wet and looked down. He breathed out, and hoped that he hadn’t just jizzed his pants. If he did then he would put all of his charisma to use to play it off. Something gnawed at his mind and he looked closer.

“What?” Ren gasped, starting at where there should be a noticeable bulge there. He pressed down on his crotch and felt his fingers brush again a moist pair of lower lips, that were eager for attention. The leader of the Phantom Thieves’s mind stalled as the revelation burned into his, or rather her brain. She had just lost what made her a man. She had a vagina between her legs. She knew what she was now, even if it couldn’t quite register.

“I’m a girl?” Ren questioned, the words tasting like ash on her mouth, even though she didn’t know she spoke them.

“Is that something new…?“ Maruki asked rubbing his forehead again.

‘Did he seriously not hear me moaning just now?’ Ren thought while trying not to touch her new femininity any more. After a short while of pondering, she came to the conclusion that it might be for the best to play dumb for now. Ren lied confidently. “Of course not, I’ve always been a girl.”

With her new voice, this completely absurd statement sounded surprisingly believable. She wanted to hear his response to this, since this statement would normally be completely absurd.

Maruki just giggled to himself and added. “Ahh… Im sorry. Then my analogy doesn’t work as well now does it. I don’t believe you are into other girls, so could you just pretend I said, that a boy would appear that you would get along with?“

Even though Maruki laughed it off like it was nothing, he was really embarrassed about that mishap. It was hard for him to talk about the other person, if all he could see of them was a silhouette.

He took a deep breath and focused on her face. He wanted to see it. Badly. He imagined her having a soft and youthful face, maybe short hair, shining eyes that one could easily get lost in and so much more. With all those thoughts swirling around in his mind, it was hard for him not to stare.

Ren twitched as the next change took effect and gulped, wondering what would happen to her now. She breathed deeply in and wondered what would happen to her now. She still had no major clue into how this was happening and had no idea how much worse this might get.

Her hair felt like it was being washed and lathered in shampoo as if she was in a shower right now. The back on the back of her head got longer and fluffier, as it multiplied. They tickled the tips of her ears and continued past them, making her gulp, fearful of how much longer it would be. Her hair finished growing, far earlier than she had expected. It still maintained the curly appearance of it, but now it reached down to her chin.

“My hair,” Ren muttered and ran her hand through her hair. It was softer than she expected, but it was still her’s. If this was the only change that she had to deal with for now then it wasn’t such a bad thing. Then again she had already lost her manhood and gained womanhood. It was hard to beat that in terms of loss.

Suddenly her face felt off as if she had just been slapped in the face. Ren turned away as she placed her hand on her cheek, momentarily flinching at the surprising tenderness of her cheek. The brush of her fingers against her cheek felt like nails were being dragged across her skin. Her facial bones felt like they were mush as if they had been grounded and smashed.

The young woman kept her hand there and her certainty about it changing grew. She forced her hand there and flinched at the feeling of an unfamiliar facial structure that she was used to. She breathed haphazardly and gulped as her face got rounder and softened further. She placed her hand on her chin and gulped as she felt it change as hell. She rubbed her chin tracing the changes, and how much rounded it was becoming, ignoring the pain that was coming from it. The image of a heart entered her mind the more she thought about her face and the shape it was taking. The bones in her skull hardened again as they no longer started to move, and the pain that she was feeling from her touch diminishing.

She looked at the mirror on the wall and froze when she saw the face in place of her own. Instead of her own, she saw a young woman in the prime of her life. She had a soft angelic face, full lips, and bright ruby red eyes that were mesmerizing to gaze at, especially with her fair face. She looked like she could have been an angel or some sort of gothic beauty

“Are you ok?” Maruki asked.

Ren held back a sigh, forcing those thoughts to the side. When this was over she could examine herself with the others much more intensely. A part of her wanted to lash out at him, but the fact that he wasn’t the cause of it all, made her stop.

The changing woman looked at Maruki again, and her heart stilled, though not in terror. Instead, it blossomed for some reason. Just like when their connection truly started to solidify into the lifelong bond that it had become. She gulped as her face burned, but this time not in arousal. She cleared her throat and tried to act natural again. She pulled at the collar of her shirt and looked back at him. Her heart pounded a little faster for a reason she couldn’t identify. Why was she acting like this with him? Despite their battle to come she felt more relaxed than she should, for for some reason, looking at him, made her feel light as a cloud.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Ren replied, as she leaned forward in her seat and propped her head up with her arm with a sweet smile, trying to convey a nonchalance that she didn’t have and a nervousness.

After a while of focusing on the person opposite him, Maruki could finally make out the face of the Phantom thieves leader. It took a while and he wasn't sure if she caught on to his staring, but the reward for his tenacity was a beautiful face of young girl. He was somehow sure that he had never seen her face before, but still it looked so nostalgic that it made his heart go aflutter.

Maruki shook his head. He was not about to fall for his rival's innocent looks. She was a phantom thief, and the most powerful one at that. He might not be able to make out her body so well in his current condition, but she had to be incredibly strong, so most likely she had a toned body from all of her endeavors, a nice curve to her waist that made her even more appealing and soft skin that would make any man... 'Nonono! I will not lust after my rival! What is wrong with me?!'

Maruki shook his head gently again and gave a pained smile. "We both don't seem to be on the top of our game today, don't you agree?"

Ren risked a quick look down to her crotch and answered. "Yeah, it has been a very weird day so far..."

The young woman shivered in her seat and gulped. She felt cold all of a sudden as if she was sitting under the air conditioning unit. The young woman braced herself in what she was sure was the next step in her feminization process.

Parts of Ren’s body felt off and she pulled at the sleeves of her shirt, to see for herself what was happening to her body and she bit on her lips and her eyes bulged when saw the hair on her wrist disappearing. Ren pulled the sleeve further up and saw the arm on her forearm was gone as well. Her whole body felt further off as the transformation continued over the rest of her body. Despite not looking, she knew that her body had become as clean as humanly possible with no trace of excess hair below her eyebrows.

“Ahh,” Ren groaned as her clothes uncomfortably rubbed against her body. Now that he body was cleaner, her clothes weren’t as comfortable that they used to be. The new sensitivity threw off her sense of touch. Everything seemed a little rougher, coarser as if everything that had been covered in sand and itching powder.

The sides of her body ached in pain and she couldn’t help but wince again as if a Shadow had just slammed into her sides. She placed her hands on her sides and again flinched at the sensitivity that was there. The flesh there was tender, sensitive as if it was recovering, but she knew that wasn’t the case. It had to be because of the transformation.

A gurgle came from her stomach and Ren blushed, as Maruki let out a laugh, clearly misunderstanding the situation. She gulped and blushed as she placed her hand on her stomach, wondering what was happening there. She could feel her stomach there hardening, getting stronger as her fingers went in less every time.  Ren breathed out and wondered how much more it was going to change and what it would look like at the end.

The moment it was done she traced her stomach and sides, knowing that she had a slim sexy waist that perfectly fit her new gender. She didn’t have a body builder’s stomach before the change, but now her stomach was closer to Ann’s or Ryuko’s. A part of her was sure that it would perfectly fit in with the girls, both of who had bodies worthy of being models.

Maruki's head hurt again, but after a quick shake he could finally see the person next to him in full... kinda. She still was a bit hazy but at least he had a good Idea now what she looked like. But something about her looked off. She looked too... young, like she was a student at shujin young. Well, he knew that she was a student here... or was she...? No, she couldn't have been a student, she was the reason why he even took the job as a counsellor in the first place and why he chose shujin to work in.

Yes! That Kamoshida incident made him worry about her and gave him the opportunity to spend more time with her and research the cognitive work, only to find out that she was the leader of the phantom thieves all along. Therefore she couldn't have been a student, since he knew her from far before he started working at Shujin. Well, they usually met here in the nurse’s office so wouldn't that make her...

"Hey, that might sound like a weird question, but are you the school nurse?" Maruki asked with a dopey smile on his face, looking almost sorry for having to ask such a dumb question.

Ren's eyes went wide as she could almost see a clock next to her speeding up and making time pass incredibly quickly, but only for her. New memories started to appear as she suddenly knew that she passes all classes and years of Shujin, one after the other, with flying colours. Then her next target was med school, which was incredibly hard in her first two years, but once she met Maruki for the first time, she became a lot happier and better in school as well. She knew that working in a hospital just wasn't for her, she took the job at her old school as school nurse for the time being.

'...Wait! Is Maruki messing with my memories? I know I only met him about a year ago, why would he want to have met me many years ago?'

Ren stared at Maruki trying to process what he had just said and again her heart skipped a beat and her face warmed at the smile that he had. She gulped as she looked at him. The smiles that he had when he was experimenting had always been warm and helped put her at ease, but now there was more to it. If she had to be honest his smile was pretty cute.

Ren’s face burned at the thought and quickly focused on her new memories to answer his question, trying to figure out what his plan was. It just didn’t make sense. Why would she suddenly gain these new memories of a life that she knew that she never had before? The more she focused on them the clearer they were. Soon, she recalled the acceptance for her new post and frowned, not sure how she should feel about her new job.

“I….yes?” Ren said slowly,  the response coming out just as awkwardly as Maruki’s question. Her response seemed to put him at ease, as and the awkwardness that he had vanished. The relief that came from him was contagious and she couldn’t help but do the same.

“Right, sorry,” Maruki chuckled sheepishly. “I guess...I’m just a little out of it to

Ren smiled to try and keep him at ease, but she wondered where this was going.

A familiar warmth filled her body and she slouched a little more in her seat as she breathed in and out, trying to keep calm as the next change happened. A faint popping filled her ears, like when she stretched enough. A light layer of sweat appeared she rolled her neck and stretched her arms. She rolled her mouth and much like the rest of her body a faint crack and pop came from it before it was gone.

The moment it passed, Ren tried to think of what had changed about her this time. It wasn’t as prominent as the others, but she would be a fool if she thought there wasn’t anything else. Her face had been the brightest point, so it had to be involved with that again. She looked at the mirror again and couldn’t help but stare at who was looking back at her.

Staring back at her wasn’t the face of a young woman in her teens, but that of a woman who looked to be in her mid 20’s in the prime of her life. Ren couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful face she had now. Before the face she had could have called that of a gothic angel, this woman's face could be called a goddess of the night's. All of the childish awkwardness that she might have had before puberty had settled was gone and had refined to the point that they were perfected now and only served to make the beauty she had even more prominent.

Another wave of dizziness overcame Maruki, but this time it had a pleasant afterglow. Still he realised that he was in no shape to work today. "Hey, I'm not feeling to well right now. Would you mind leaving work a bit earlier with me and go for a coffee? I could really use one right now."

Ren was about to tell him that only about 20 minutes had passed since school started, but she suppressed the urge with her curiosity of where Maruki was taking this entire interaction. Her body and now even her mind seem to change from time to time, but Maruki was apparently unaware of that. Part of her wanted to get away from him as fast as possible, but a growing part of her would prefer to spend a bit more time with him so that maybe it could lead to him changing his mind without a fight in the metaverse. So she needed to stay by his side for now.

"S-sure, we could go for a coffee. Do... you have any place in mind?" Ren asked, trying to sound as agreeable as possible.

"For some reason I just thought of LeBlanc, that coffee shop you used to work in. How about we go there?" Maruki asked with a small giggle while scratching his head.

"O-Okay, we can go there." Ren thought about how awkward it will be to face Sojiro in her now female form. Hopefully, he wouldn't try to hit on her.

"Great... Then quickly pack your stuff and then let's go there."

Ren froze. What stuff? Her 'stuff' was in the classroom. She frantically looked around the room, but her nerves quickly calmed down. Most of the stuff that was just lying around in the nurse’s office... was her stuff. She recognised almost every item that was scattered across the room and bizarrely even remembered for most of them that she put them there to begin with.

But the thing that caught her eye was a single, black purse that for some reason she remembered receiving as a birthday gift from Maruki. As she thought back, ever since she received it she had been walking around with it over her shoulder like it was second nature for her. There was something inside her that told her that her backpack she usually wore as a student had vanished and this was the replacement for it. But that meant that she had to check for something.

Ren stood up, walked to the purse and opened it curiously. A lot of things were inside, some of them that she didn’t even recall when she put them there. But what was definitely not inside was a certain black cat, that she usually carried around wherever she went.

“Where did Morgana go?” Ren mumbled silently, then glanced back at Maruki who had just risen up from the sofa as well. She quickly went back to packing a few things into her purse. “Whatever. Morgana can usually take care of himself, even if I don’t know where he is. I just hope that this endeavor ends well for me...”

Meanwhile Maruki couldn’t help but admire the footwork the girl was performing. He’s thoughts got mixed with reality again, as he started to see glimpses of the girl with a smaller body, but longer legs. And with thick thighs to boot, like the ones teenage boys love to see on girls. No wonder she was so popular with the students. Maruki took pride in the fact that he could easily invite her out for a coffee like that.

“Are you ready?” Maruki asked.

“Yes,” Ren replied and tightened her grip on her purse, strangely feeling a sense of comfort and peace by having it over her shoulder. It was as if she wash holding a prized possession rather than just a purse. Even if Morgana wasn’t in it, it brought the same amount of comfort as if it was.

Ren poked her head out of the hallway and looked around to make sure that they were deserted. After a moment she stepped out, and Maruki followed him.

They walked to the stairs, and as they did, the hallways started to look larger, and her clothes loosened, hanging off of her body.

Ren noticed the changes and looked around, comparing things to her usual height before all this started. She quickly noticed the hallway looked a little larger along with everything else. The young woman tightened the grip on her purse.

“Am I getting smaller?” Ren muttered. She looked at Maruki and blinked when she saw that she was no eye level with his chest. Seeing him like this it was clear that she had gotten smaller and lost a few inches. She sighed and bit her lips to keep quiet as she followed after him.

They reached the first floor stepped outside the building and Ren over her shoulder at the place, as if she was expecting one of the staff or students to stop them. It was strange to cut school, especially so early. She had hoped that Ryuko or one of their friends might see her, or anyone else, but a part of her was glad, since it was Maruki’s idea and he would be more comfortable.

“Are you alright?” Maruki asked.

“Just a little nervous is all,” Ren sighed nervously. “I just don’t want to get in trouble with the principal.”

“Don’t worry, that won’t happen,” Maruki said soothingly. “And I promise I won’t do anything else.  All we’re going to do is get coffee.”

Ren didn’t say anything, knowing what he meant, but was still comforted by his words. Since he was the Ruler of the Metaverse, he could make it so that no one would notice if they were gone. Despite the transformation that was happening to her, she believed him when he said that he wouldn’t do anything to her.

They walked further down the street, which was somewhat empty during this time of the day as they did, Ren’s feet off. It was getting harder to walk more they changed. It was as if she had put on a pair of heels that were growing larger. She carefully paid attention to her feet and how everything felt. It was as if her feet were falling asleep, and her shoes were now giant wooden clogs. Yet she was intimately aware of how small there getting,  her toes shrinking along with the rest of her feet into petite womanly.

The moment it was finished, she could feel it traveling up her legs, reaching her calves which thinned down and toned to give a more feminine appearance, and to her horror getting even harder to keep balance. Her steps became even more measured as if she was walking on a tight rope instead of solid ground. It became too much to bear, and she suddenly lost balance as her calves finished changing.

Ren fell forward and she closed her eyes and threw her hands out, ready to brace herself from the pain. Suddenly she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist and pull her close. She opened her eyes and saw that Maruki was holding her tightly in his arms. She looked up his face and saw him smiling down at him charmingly.

“Don’t worry I got you,” Maruki commented, as he quickly grabbed her and pulled her close.

Ren blushed at the position they were in, but was thankful that he caught her. Her heart pounded a little faster and she bit her lips. Her first instinct was to try and get out of this, but she kinda liked being in his arms. In them, she felt, safe, loved, and protected. As if the whole world, come crumbling down right now, and she would be alright.

‘Was he always this...muscular?’ Ren pondered. She was sure that she would remember if he had this type of musculature. He wouldn’t be winning any weight-lifting competition, but the muscles that he did have there would certainly make him quite the catch.

“I didn’t think the leader of the Phantom Thieves would trip like that,” Maruki chuckled quietly.

“We...all have our moments of clumsiness,”  Ren refuted as her face brightened to match her eyes, earning another laugh.

“That’s true enough, we both know how many times I’ve stumbled and tripped over my own feet.”

Ren giggled, as she could feel her thighs expanding. The moment her giggle passed she gulped as she paid rapt attention to her developing thighs. She could feel them pushing against her pants, which regaining some of the tightness that they had lost. She breathed out and tried to control herself as again pleasure went through her. She breathed out and leaned against his chest to distract herself from what was happening to her down below, finding more comfort.  Her hands moved to her growing thighs and she jumped as a burst of pleasure stronger then their growth went down her spine. She could feel the muscle there was just as prominent as when she was a man but were filling with a soft lead fat that added a delectable curve to them.

When they stopped growing, Ren looked down and she blew grew at the sight of large prominent thighs that surely would have crushed her manhood between them if it was still there. They looked like they could have rivaled Ryuko’s thighs with how large they were, and added more to the hourglass figure that she was sure was going to come in. These were the kind of thighs that she would have been unable to tear her eyes from and sneak looks at if she could help it. They would have made perfect pillows for any significant other to lay their head on and pass time.

At that point Ren's thoughts were all kinds of messy. Something weird was happening to her, but the more about her that changed, the more she gained clarity of what is happening to her. That is because with how maruki is acting towards her and with how her heart fluttered every time he speaks in his own goofy way, one could think that the two of them are a couple. It was obviously that at least Maruki thought something like that, but wasn't his girlfriend Rumi?

In the drive towards LeBlanc Ren finally realised a possibility: Maruki mistook her for Rumi, and his actualisation forced her to change to his vision. But there was a flaw in that logic, if she was really changing to become a Rumi clone because that's what Maruki thought of her, then why would Maruki know that she was the leader of the phantom thieves. He certainly didn't seem to remember anything else from her life as a student in shujin.

Ren twirled her unfamilialy soft and long hair with her finger a bit before it hit her. What if she took her actions in Marukis palast literally. If the golden statue of rumi represented the memory of her, then Joker crushed it and appeared in her place, then that could mean that Maruki thinks that Rumi is Joker, or rather, Joker is his girlfriend that he would do anything for.

Ren looked over to Maruki who was still casually driving his car and whistling. Her theory was kind of a long shot, but if it was the case then she would probably turn into a mix of Joker and Rumi, which definitely appeared to be the case. But this also was a huge opportunity: Rumi was the reason why he went down the route of a messiahs, so Ren falling in this position might be able to realistically pull him out of there without a fight.

Ren still in her thinking pose looked at maruki again and gave him a patient smile, only for him to return it when he also looked over to her.

But Marukis thought went even wilder than Rens. ‘Don’t look at her too long. Focus on the street. Why are her arms still blurry? Just think of them as nothing special. Just normal dainty hands like you have seen on a million other girls. But isn’t she insanely strong? Like on the same level as that old gym teacher Kamoshida? Then she is definitely stronger than me. I hope she doesn’t mind weaker men. I wonder if her muscles are visible through her clothes… No, eyes on the street. Ok, finally in Jongen-jaya. Find a parking spot and don’t think of her. Why does it have to be so hard for me to drive when a Girl is sitting next to me?’

In the end, they arrived in front of Leblanc, both stuck thinking and neither speaking a word, which made both giggle when the car stopped. Maruki was the one to break the silence. “Shall we go in?”

“Hey, you were the one who wanted a coffee.” Ren winked at him and stepped out of the car.

It all looked the same, and her smile grew at the familiarity of the area. It was just like how she had left it this morning. She recalled it all, even the new memories she had of working here to pass the time.

They stepped inside the restaurant and the familiar smell of coffee beans hit her nose that put her at ease, despite the whole situation. She looked around and saw that the place was empty of customers, aside from Sojiro. He was brewing a cup of coffee and wanted to reach. Her former guardian turned and he smiled at the pair.

“Well I’ll be, its been a while since you two showed up at the same time,” Sojiro remarked. “Especially during school hours, I didn’t think you two had it in you.”

Well if you ever need a little extra work, I certainly wouldn’t mind having you back on board. Having a pretty girl like you board would certainly help in getting some attention.

Ren laughed on the outside, but inside she gagged a little as her heart shattered into pieces. A part of her was warmed by the compliment, but the fact she was hearing it from him and about who she was becoming felt more like a slap to the face.

“I don’t know if I would really bring in any more customers,” Ren remarked, trying to play down the beauty that she had.

“Now, now, now you shouldn’t sell yourself short. Just having a beauty like you around would be every man’s dream, especially if you shoot them that wonderful smile of yours. Wouldn’t you agree Maruki?” Sojiro asked, looking at the other man.

“Oh of course!” Maruki said quickly.

“See,” Sojiro chuckled. “Besides how many boys came in when they found out that you were working here. A number of them did try to get your number if I remember right.”

Ren blushed as she remembered the looks that she had gotten in her youth while she worked here. She could easily recall the times that he had brought up. Every time it had made her face burn and her response to stutter.

“Feel free to sit anywhere you want you two,” Sojiro said with the same smile.

They slid into one of the open booths, sitting across from each other. Ren placed the purse down at her side and breathed in. It felt strange being on her first date, even if her memories told her that it wasn’t her first date, especially with Maruki. She wasn’t sure what to say or to do, the whole situation making it hard for her to think of what to do.

Ren breathed and hugged herself as the transformation reached her arms. She breathed through her mouth and watched her hands as the heat there grew. Her nails grew slightly longer and refined. A small shine appeared on them as if nail polish had been applied to them. As unnerving as it was she held her breath and braced herself. This was only the start as the rest of her digits went numb and a small pain appeared as if she was pressing down on a needle.

The moment they finished changing the rest of her hands morphed. The young woman gulped and rubbed her hands, the calluses from all of her training exercises and fighting were still there,  but the part of her hands that weren’t hardened from it all were softer and gentler, reminding her of her mother’s or one of the girls.

The changes spread to the rest of her arms and she could feel them change as they slimmed and yet filled with compacted muscle. She prodded her changing forearm, her fingers didn’t go in as much as they had. Her shoulders craked as they moved inward, giving her upper body a more rounded appearance. After that the changes to her arms finished, completing the change in her arms, which now had deceptively strong healthy arms.

Ren looked at them, not sure what to make of them as more memories came rushing forward. Her time as a Phantom Theif had paid off in keeping her in shape, especially with the other exercises that she had done to help her. Ryuko and her would frequently go to the gym to stay in shape, with the blonde almost acting like a personal trainer, though it would be more like a small competition between the two rather then. It had certainly helped in keeping the two of them in shape and knew that she was in shape, especially when Maruki had joinied them on one of their sessions. She certainly had.

Ren blushed and shook her head, trying to throw those perverted thoughts aside. That wasn’t true. While Ryuko had helped train her, Maruki had never joined them on them. She was sure of it. Still, the memory of his body was pretty tantalizing, even if it shouldn’t be.

Both of them thanked Sojiro as he brought them two house blends and then excused himself back into the kitchen. After a quick sip of her coffee Ren spoke up. "Maruki, we need to talk. I want you to stop playing hero and come back to reality. This power of yours has messed a lot with your judgment."

Maruki almost spit out the coffee he had on the table as he knew exactly what she was talking about. "I just want to help people have a happy life. Is that so wrong?"

"Then why are you doing it?"

"Your saying it like your against helping others!" Maruki countered, but Ren persisted.

"No, I was asking why are YOU doing it? Why are you not helping other people in a normal matter and why are you willing to sacrifice your own happiness to give others makeshift happiness."

"Then why are you a phantom thief then? Doesn't that put you in the same boat as me?"

"I was faced with injustice and overcame it. My persona is the personification of that. What is your reason?"

"I lost my Girl... No, wait. My research... uhm... I..." Maruki was scratching his head.

'Perfect, I got him where I want him.' Ren thought to herself then spoke up again. "Maruki, my eyes are up here. Answer me."

Maruki instinctively looked at Rens chest, then averted his eyes back to hers. Luckily she was just drinking from her coffee again, so Maruki hoped that she hadn't noticed. 'This is not the time to think of her chest. Don't think of her chest. Anything but her chest. Damn it, how massive are they under there, that not even my thoughts can escape their gravity. What were we talking about...?'

Maruki might only look blankly at her that moment, but Ren felt the consequences of her actions immediately. Her chest felt hot, her nipples erect and she felt an unnatural amount of thirst, so she just chucked her entire coffee down in one go.

But that only made it worse, as the heat from the coffee traveled through her body and gathered behind her nipples, seemingly enlarging them. She gave her best to cover them as discreetly as possible, but that made the growing process not any less uncomfortable. The warmth finally left her when her nipples were double the size they were before.

But then the warmth returned in full force, pushing two lumps on her chest outwards, almost as if it was trying to push her hands away. The pulsating warmth in her growing breasts felt so good, that she was giving her best not to start moaning right in front of Maruki. For what felt like an eternity for Ren, her chest continued to push itself outward and made her feel the horniest she had ever been in her entire life. Finally, they stopped when they became a large DD-cup, the size of big apples. She just wanted to collapse at that point.

But she couldn’t afford to right now, this was her best chance of getting Maruki bach to his senses. So she just laid her breast onto the table and silently breathed to regain her strength. She spoke up somewhat exhausted but decided to go all-in now. “I’ll ask again. What girl are you fighting for? Wouldn’t that be… me?”

Ren gave her best to stand up as gracefully as she could and walked over to Maruki’s side of the table. She brushed off her butt and sat down next to him, making sure her breast are pressed against his arm and side.

Maruki blushed profusely at her large melons being pressed against his body. All the effort that he had put into trying to avoid looking at them was shot as he couldn’t help but be drawn to them. He tried to force them out, but the soft marshmallowy feeling of her bosom on his chest was painfully clear like a siren. This wasn’t the first time that he had felt her wonderful bosom against his body. He recalled feeling them before on some of their makeout sessions and yet they were just as pleasant as the first time. The doctor couldn’t resist and wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the lips, surprising the Wild Card.

Ren’s eyes widened as her heart soared in her chest. Her other arm wrapped around his back  and pulled him closer, enjoying how his chest was mushed against her chest. She returned it as best she could, enjoying the warmth that his body radiated and the feeling of his muscle against her own. Her mind dulled the longer they kissed, moaning happily as she opened her mouth and let him inside. A chuckle from Sojiro was vaguely heard by her, but her mind was completely focused on her interaction with him. When they broke apart, Ren had a ditzy pleased smile on her face before her mind caught up with what she had done, and her fair face brightened, even further.

“E-Excuse me!” Ren stuttered, her mind scrambling at what just happened. “I need to get out for a moment!”

“Oh sure,” Maruki said and let go of her.

Ren slid out of the booth to calm her heart down. She went over to the bar, breathed in and out. Her heart felt like it was going to tear itself out of her chest as the memory of her lips against his. They tasted so good, especially when their tongues clashed for dominance. It got worse when she recalled the other makeout sessions and how…passionate they had been. The way his hands roamed her body and made it spark just right. Oh she wanted another session like that again right now.

‘That wasn't what I intended!’ Ren heaved. ‘I shouldn't have put myself at risk like that! Oh god that had been so…”’

Maruki watched her stand by the bar, his eyes landing on her butt, which swayed from side to side. He had looked at it whenever he was sure that he could get a look at it, the last thing he wanted her to think was that he was some sort of pervert that was only interested in her body.

Just like with the rest of her body seemed at times, her butt looked just as blurry, though it was clearer and could make out the shape of it. For some reason her behind didn't look right to him. It seemed smaller then it should be. He had seen her in a pair of workout short shorts and fondled it during their time together and onew it was larger than that. It had to be the pants that were making her butt look flatter then it was, he was sure of it.

Ren shimmied where she stood, unsure what to say or do at the new weights that pulled on her upper body. They didn’t pull down on her as much as she thought they would, no doubt in part because of the new strong back muscles that she had. Her clothes weren’t meant for the womanly figure that she had now and roughly rubbed against her body. She looked down and could tell her stomach was slightly exposed by her breasts making her shirt rise.

Suddenly Ren felt like someone had slipped their fingers in the crack of her ass and were pumping her as much as they could. It was strange, but not unwelcome, especially at the thought of Maruki doing it to her. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind, but the image stayed as her ass warmed, making her gulp and brace herself as much as she could.

She grabbed the counter as if it was a lifeline as her bottom started to swell, the blush becoming a bright atomic red that would have stood out in the dark of the night. She looked away, hoping that Sojiro didn’t notice the blush on her face. The sensation between her ass cheeks grew more power the more her ass swelled. She bit down on her lips as much as she could to keep the demand for more and the aroused moans from leaving her. Her pants and underwear rose higher the more it, digging deeper against her burning, demanding crotch. The transforming thief reached down and grabbed her ass as it finished growing. She mewled as she looked over her shoulder and saw that she now had huge heart-shaped buttocks that stood out behind her like a shelf with all the tightness of a peach, with her pants emphasizing its size, especially with the outline of her underwear.

'This is bad,' Ren thought as she massaged her butt to make sure it didn't grow anymore. 'I almost lost myself there in that kiss. I think there is no denying it any more, Maruki wants me to be his girlfriend. But I am so close to stopping him, I can't back out now. If i pretend to be his girlfriend, I'm sure that I can make this madness come to a close soon, but will I be able to control myself enough to make it happen?'

Ren walked back to Maruki and took a seat next to him again as he looked at her concerned and said. "I shouldn't have done that in a public place. Sorry, I didn't think..."

"Listen." Ren said with in serious tone. "I want you to stop this madness of yours. You are not helping people, you are dictating their future. I don't want to fight you, but as you are now you leave me with no other choice. Please stop this yourself before I have to stop you."

"But I..."

"These are your options: Either you stop or I'll be your enemy forever. Choose now!" Ren said and felt her heart break into pieces. It hurt. Badly. But she has to be strong now, there was no way Maruki wasn't feeling the same.

"..." Maruki was thinking with his head hanging low. 'Why am I doing this? Wasn't it for her? The woman I spent years with and I love dearly. Where did I mess up? Is she right? I don't want her to leave. No way!'

"Okay, I give up." Maruki admitted defeat, making Ren suppress a gleeful victory cry that wanted to come out. "I'll work you and your Phantom thief buddies to clean up the mess I made. But I still want to tell you: I love you. I want to spend my life with you. Are you still fine with that after all I did, Karen?"

The new name settled in her mind with all the force of a Mega Punch straight to the face. The whole world came to a still as heart swelled and her mind dulled again. The words that he had just spoken reverberated through the woman’s mind as if they were on a speaker. The new name was almost secondary to the confession that she had just heard. For a moment the young woman was dazed from it all, as if she was trying to make sure that he had heard correctly. The female memories that she had gained, came with far greater clarity then they did before. She blinked and everything about the world came back to her, especially what Maruki had just said.

“Karen I…” Maruki started only to stop when the love of his life suddenly threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. Tears wet the front of his shirt and his heart stilled at what just happened. Worried ebbed his mind, fearful of what he might say in return. He didn’t want to lose her, especially after he gave up his efforts to be with her.

Karen pulled away from him and to his relief saw that she was smiling at him, but the tears in her eyes made him worry. He wanted to ask, but was fearful of what he might hear if he did. She hugged him again, and he held her tightly.

“Thank you,” Karen said, true happiness dripping from her voice. She had hoped that she could make him see reason, that he chose her over this. “Thank you Maruki. I love you, and I want to be with you forever.”

The young woman recalled being a boy, but it seemed so far away and almost like a dream, even though she knew it was real. She didn’t care at all about that though. She was so glad that she was able to save him from himself and bring the love of her life back to his senses.

Karen then had a final idea on how to use the current situation with Maruki again before they try to work out how to make his actualization go away. She playfully turned his head away from her and covered his eyes.


“Let’s play a little game, are you ready?“ Karen grinned.


“Lets do a little ‚how well do you know me’ quiz. Do you remember what clothes I am wearing right now?“ Karen looked down to see that she is wearing her male shujin academy school uniform from before. But things change if Maruki thought about them differently…

“Umm… is there a reason…?“

“Is it too hard for you? Should i ask you something different?“ Karen taunted mischievously. „I‘ll give you a hint. I didn’t change my clothes since we both left from work.“

Maruki had to admit that he hadn’t really payed attention to what his girl was wearing, but with that hint…

“You are wearing your nurse… thing…?“ Maruki uttered and almost facepalmed immediately.

“My nurse… thing? Haha! And how does that look like? Describe in your own words.“ Karen could feel the smile in her face rising. She had always wanted to say that.

“A white top…“ Maruki stuttered. He just needed to say something, Karen probably already knew that he forgot, so he just had to say something that was likely to be true. And your wearing a black skirt with red tights below them…?“

“What about my boots?“

“Umm… ah… High white Boots?“

“Do you want to guess underwear too? Hehe.“

“No, I'd rather pass on that one.“

Karen giggled at that, finding it a little amusing at how flustered he was, even though he had already seen her in it before. Their new relationship was like magic in her head as she thought about it going on and the memories. The times they went out to restaurants, vacation, the gifts, the beach, all of it came forward. She pushed those lovely romantic thoughts aside as she braced herself for the next change and hoped it would work as she thought.

Karen shimmied a little in her seat as she could feel her clothes morph.Her jacket and shirt changed color. Her jacket became a bright white with a black line and buttons running down the center. She could feel her shirt morph into a nice black singlet, and a bra formed underneath that made weight on her back easier to manage.

She looked down at her pants and watch them change. The black checkered appearance changed as the red splotches on them grew larger, as if a giant paintbrush had been pulled over them. The pants leg grew longer and changed into a pair of bright red tighes. The top of her pants merged together and formed into a black skirt with a cut on the side that went to her mid-thigh. The tightness  of her pants eased a little as it conformed to her curvaceous lower body. It was still there, but it no longer seemed like her clothes were just seconds away from tearing off of her body.

Karen jumped a little in her seat and touched her rear as she felt her boxers morph into something skimpier. She traced it and realized that her underwear had been replaced by a tight black thong.

‘Such a naughty boy,’ Karen thought. Still at least she no longer had to worry about her clothes fitting her poorly now

The young woman sighed in content. The scratchiness of her old attire, no longer bothering her as it had before. Everything felt right, as if it was meant to be like this. Even with the memories of the old her, she couldn’t bring herself to care at all about how much she had changed. The love between her and Maruki, the happiness from her new memories, it was perfect. The way he held her hand, kissed her, every little action. She could easily imagine her spending the rest of her life with him and wanted it to be that way.

Consindering the amount of happiness Maruki had given her, Karen considered letting Maruki continue his work, but the risk was too extreme. Even now he was slowly going mad with power so he had to stop, no matter what. She silintly nodded to herself, then looked her lover in the eyes. "Do you want to head back to school?"

"Yeah, It was a nice break that really cleared up my head." Maruki answered pleased and payed Sojiro for both of their coffees. And with that the two of them made their way back to the school.


“Well glad we didn’t have to bloody your boyfriend. It took us quite a long time to find you one, and you two made such a cute couple,” Ryuko smirked. “Then again, we would have to go back on the hunt like we did years ago. Would be nice to have you back on the prowl, especially on Valentine’s Day today of all days.”

“Sorry but I’m not sharing mine and you can’t come along,,” Karen smirked, earning a squawk from the busty gym teacher.

“I wasn’t asking if I could and we both know that I could get one if I wanted to,” Ryuko refuted, earning an unladylike snort from her friend.

“Considering your body the fact how long its been since you’re last one speaks volumes,” Karen giggled, making the blonde sputter more as her face turned red.

The bell went off and the two stopped as they looked at the time. The two sighed as they put their meals away and got ready for their next class, or back to her office in Karen’s case. There weren’t any patients there currently so she could go to the teacher’s lounge to kill some time or browse the web on her phone.

“Well back to the old grind. I hope the two of you have fun on your date tonight,” Ryuko remarked.

“Good luck surviving the girls,” Karen smiled as she went back to the nurses’s office, her mind going to the date tonight.

He had managed to get a reservation at a nice restaurant tonight that he had apparently waited months for. She was told that this a nice fancy restaurant, that she should dress her best for. She had looked up the place and then saw just how fancy and expensive it was and knew that she had to bring her best. She was sure that it would be a magical night, and then later on back at their place she would give him a special present that should go on all throughout the night.


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