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There where a few big issues with 7.4.2 (access violations here and there and broken debug options) so here's 7.4.3 which I really hope will be the the final one before public release of 7.5 (or 8, or 10, not sure how i'll name it yet)


  •   ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)
  •   ceserver: added change memory protection capability
  •   ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI
  •   .netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree
  •   network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server
  •   lua: added virtualstringtree
  •   lua: added invertColor
  •   lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)
  •   autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails
  •   autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well
  •   pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update
  •   ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard


  •  ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases
  •   ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets
  •   fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file
  •   fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options
  •   fixed some documentation in celua at some points
  •   fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation
  •   fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]
  •   fixed enumExports lua function
  •   fixed issue where vehdebug would crash
  •   fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging
  •   fixed the disassembler backlist
  •   fixed termination issue on the memscan object

If you're having trouble loading this on your Mac, then try signing it yourself using the following command:

sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - CheatEngine743.app

Note: Cheat Engine for Mac is developed on MacOS Moneterey using an M1. If you're on a newer version of MacOS the improved/changed security functions may interfere


Please report bugs and give suggestions on what to improve and add so next version can be even better.

As always: Please ask questions, it helps me understand what can be improved/explained better, report bugs, and most importantly, give feedback on what you think could be improved or added to Cheat Engine.

I can often be reached on the CE Discord (that every Patreon member can access) , the CE forum and the CE github, and of course here in the comment section

Happy modding!

p.s.: If you're having trouble downloading CheatEngine743P try CheatEngine743P_lite 

12/12/22: The mac version was configured for the chinese language. I've reuploaded one for english (and renamed the chinese configured version for those that prefer that)


Robert Poer

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but where is a safe place to get tables for games? Almost every site is flagged with trojans or viruses..


Sorry but no tables here. But you could try ceshare and find a table on one of the servers. Also, cheat tables are text files (xml) so just open them in a texteditor and check if they indeed have a virus or if it's a false positive


Is the ceserverbin-7.4.3.zip file the one where you don't need to install anything and it can be placed on a portal directory (But is full version of Cheat engine?)


No, the P.exe and P_lite.exe are for windows. But just copy the contents of the install folder to a zip and it'll work


That means that the process you targeted may be protected. e.g iphone, system and browser apps

Nash J

Tried adding Big Endian codes on Mac by converting to Unix but keep getting Scan error:thread 0:Access violation (1021). How do I get it to work?