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I'd like to thank all you guys for sticking with me through 2020 and the new people joining as well.  

Here's hoping 2021 will be a better year, and that we can leave the year of hindsight behind us

There are some updates comming like the dark mode you can already try here and doing some experiments with new features that may make CE even better (assuming my theories also work out in practice)




Happy new years db I hoping you happy on 2021 Always, thanks for you


Happy new year!


Happy new year!


Happy New Year! 😃👍


Happy New Year! Also, I have a question. I joined your patreon & tried installing CE, but it says I'm not a patron. How long do I have to wait for it to go through?


The first of the month is always troublesome with patreon but try in a few hours. If still nothing tell me the data the message tells you (like id etc...)


I think I'll need to DM you my Patreon ID since the CE ID keeps changing

kirito king

Hello, I am getting an error message that I do have permission.


That likely means your anti virus (windows defender) is blocking it. Turn of reputation based protection, and if needed runtime protection as well. (and you may have to restart afterwatds)

kirito king

Tried that as well once I downloaded the zip file i extra and get an error message


James Shepard

兄弟你这个中文是特意写成这样方便作者谷歌翻译的吗?看上去不太对劲啊233 付款方式是网站定的,作者也没啥办法