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hey people as tittle says will prolong 2 more hours so more people can join, come on guys B slot need some love D: 

I can make ur oc a bull D: 


Blitzy Beta

We don’t got bulls homie


but bulls are hot D: hope people get interested D;

Blitzy Beta

Well I got one but he’s only got part of a sketch so he’s not like fully done unless you’d want to just like do what you want with him lol

Blitzy Beta

But I don’t think that would be good enough to warrant joining it so yeah hope someone else got a bull round here

Jerry Maister

I wish i have a Bull OC to participate, so sorry


I have a whole bullbear, thats my sona. But damn, I havent been a supporter for enough time yet, so that sucks. Im suprised not alot of persons are vying for the bull slot tho