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Heya everyone :D,

Sorry for the lack of updates. I will post more information once I have post worthy news :). Currently working on my animation template. I may release character swaps for Kitana's facefuck animation ^^ while you wait. Current major project however is Jill's creampie. 

I do apologize for slower releases but please keep in mind I am slowly getting back into it and will be working at a slower pace. Thank you for understanding and for your patience ^_^.



Mmmmmm Jill's Creampie sounds Awesome 😋😋🥰

Jake D.

Wait I thought I unfollowed you the other day. Oh well. Your stuff is fantastic. Like literally the best and most advanced high quality erotic animation I’ve ever seen. If I get charged again unexpectedly, for you, I won’t even be mad.


Take all the time you need man


The quality of your work speaks for itself sir. No rush.


Yay glad to hear you are ok !! Sure get back on track at your own pace. No rush and take care of yourself 👍.


shiraki meiko


i waiting for you back! hahaha!how long time is work over


Thanks for the update, it's nice of you to talk about the current situation... And regarding your slow pace, nevermind..


Sounds great! Good luck with the Jill project. I am sure you will enjoy it. Take care!

John Tyler

Love to see you back! :)