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  • TVTS_9_10000.mp4
  • TVTS_9_10000.webm



Part X in the series “Ponies I should do because I’ve never done them and everybody wants me to” (and Twily too, I haven’t done her for what, almost a year?!?). Also, I often keep hearing the bodies I do are too realistic proportions and not hentai enough… This is as hentai as I’ll go, at least for now!

I’m having some license issues with Toon Boom, and can’t access Harmony right now, so I hope there isn’t any errors this time. They are already looking at it though, so it’ll probably be sorted out soon enough.

Happy new year 🥳 and thanks for 2020, however shitty it may have been for everyone. See you in 2021, no doubt everything will be fine again!

I also added nude edits to the Michiru animation.




Love it! Pony-cest is my favorite


Love it ❤️ but imo velvet and twily should swap places


Let me be frank.. Your art style and how you do the bodies are remarkable, because they are realistic. I like it that way way more then oversized hentai girls. You are also doing a great job in presenting different body and breast types.


Incest is wincest


Wholesome family fun for the new year btw Happy New Year


Happy New Years Haltie!


Whoever is telling you the bodies aren't exaggerated enough is...well, not wrong, but part of the reason I love your animations is because the bodies are realistically proportioned.


I love the proportions you use, it's part of why I follow you

wolf chime

Sound wood be glorious 👀

Faraday Cage

I agree that sound is what takes your material from very good to amazing. Although sometimes background music drowns out the juicy sound effects...


Man we need audio for this