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Hello everyone! I've got some bad news.

The public video I uploaded to my channel yesterday has been taken down for 'nudity and sexual content'. I try to keep my YouTube content pretty tame, but apparently this one was too much (it was a tumblr video of a woman inflating her belly). You could literally just see her belly getting bigger; not much different from my usual stuff. Not sure what happened here.

As punishment, I have been banned from uploading anything for a week. I have a few videos already uploaded and scheduled, but I'm assuming those will be delayed, too.

I apologize for the delay in content. Thanks to all of my patrons and their patience. I still can't believe so many people have already donated!

In the meantime, I will re-upload the aforementioned banned video on my Google Drive for you all to watch. It's a short but sweet one. I'll look for another juicy video to share with my patrons as an apology. Stay tuned!


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